Fulfill Your Corporate Requirements with SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company

Jobseekers are taking the help of the SGUS Programme during the recent pandemic to enhance job opportunities by getting the right kind of training. All of the courses which are involved in the programme have huge industry demands. The programme duration lasts for six (6) to twelve (12) months. Though it is full-time training but boosts skillsets much faster than any other similar courses.

During the programme, both jobseekers and companies get equal opportunities to explore skillsets. Jobseekers get a strong grip on their domain. On the other hand, employers train the candidates by themselves and absorb them faster for their open work positions.

SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company

During SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company, candidates get rigorous training from mentors to stay up-to-date with the market trend. It is observed that professionals with the most modern domain knowledge often surpass newcomers in the industry in terms of opportunities.

The last two (2) to three (3) months of training is known as Practicum or an additional attachment. During this short duration, candidates get real-time work experience with participating companies.

This is a boom period for companies who are looking to fill up their vacant positions. They introduce candidates to their work culture, and absorb suitable trainees during this period or just after the courses get over.

Learning With SP PACE Academy

In Singapore, Singapore Polytechnic (SP) PACE Academy is a popular name in Continuing Education Courses. It has been successful in delivering reskilling and upskilling courses to professionals as well as fresh graduates. They have some interesting and promising courses added to their list, and continuously working on others.

Pandemic has made the institution introduce SGUS Programme Attachment & Job Placement. It is working on six (6) emerging sectors – InfoComm Media, Built Environment, Social Service, Manufacturing, Sea Transport and Cross-sectoral Emerging Skills.

Companies now do not need multiple accesses to candidate search, as they get them all in one place. SP PACE Academy gives upskilled candidates to the companies who join for the Practicum training, and ease their recruitment process.

Candidates must work for atleast 44 hours a week. If a company decides to extend the working hours then it must compensate with additional pay or leaves.

During SGUnited Skills Programme, you as a participating company can assess prospective employees through various real-time projects, and short assessments.

If you have been worried about adding the best employees to your organisations for a long then your worries come to an end now. Register here and you get access to a talent pool, which helps in your organisation growth.

Fulfill Your Corporate Requirements with SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company

How Talents Are Groomed By SGUS Programmes During The Pandemic?

SP PACE Academy in Singapore is now preparing adults for the post-pandemic economy with the new SGUS programme.

Without a job due to this COVID-19? Start enrolling for SGUnited Skills (SGUS) programme.

Mapped with the industry, the programme consists of full-time courses aiming to help mid-career professionals and permanent residents in Singapore. The trainees get industry-relevant skills and domain knowledge along with a monthly allowance of $1,200.

sgus programme

The courses offer certificates at the end of the programme and are globally recognised. The trainees undergo exhaustive training and have opportunities to implement the skills achieved during workplace immersion and industrial projects.

Professionals are keeping an eye on the advertisements from SP PACE, and taking admission in suitable courses. Some small companies were forced to shut businesses during the pandemic. The employees didn’t lose hope and many have chosen professional training to upskill themselves with the help of modern technologies.

If you are a financial controller and want to acquire new skills adhering to the evolving technologies, then you can choose a blockchain programme. The whole new concept will make you a part of the fintech industry, and help you in your career growth. If you are worried about the hefty fees you need to pay for the training then you must wipe off the sweat. SkillsFuture Credit is helping the trainees to pay the most amount of their course fees and enjoy the training thoroughly.

One resort, many choices

SP PACE has the best-in-class infrastructure to offer SGUS programme in the following fields: Built Environment, InfoComm Media (ICM), Sea Transport, Manufacturing, Social Service and Cross-sectoral Emerging Skills.

You must keep in mind that SP is the only Continuing Education Training (CET) provider to offer courses on Sea Transport and also Food Manufacturing.

Industries are joining hands with the institution so that they can absorb the talents they are looking for long. This is the reason many students look forward to the three months of industrial attachment.

SGUS courses allow you to re-learn and bridge the gap between your skills and industry requirements. The mentors are all industry practitioners who instil in you the confidence and give you the modern strategies to help you perform better.

If you have the zeal to learn, the economic slowdown can never be an obstacle. Take it as a challenge to groom yourself and bag in a high paying job. Assess yourself at various stages and be someone who is a suitable candidate for the changing job market.

How Talents Are Groomed By SGUS Programmes During The Pandemic?

Why Do A SGUnited Skills Programme in Data Science?

You often hear people asking, “Why do I need to get a professional certification in Data Science?” This is quite a valid question for people from other domains because Data Science is restricted to a few subjects. The cost comes to your mind first, but that is not the case if you enrol for an SGUnited Skills Programme from SP PACE Academy.

sgunited skills programme

You can already be working in the domain where you deal with programming, data visualisation, machine learning, and others. The AI world is fast-changing, and you need to keep at pace with the same. If you want to taste modern tools, you need to brush up on your skills. There is no time for a professional to again start with a new degree course. You must acquire industry-relevant knowledge within a short span. In Singapore, SGUnited jobs & skills initiative upskill mid-careerists within a short span.

Employers are always searching for tech geeks to help in their business. They get tons of resumes, but a certification makes the difference. Professionals often ignore continuing education after their tertiary education.

It is foolish if you want to sustain the tough competition. Newcomers in the industry will tend to push you backward. Lack of domain knowledge and unable to use modern tools powered by AI will make you struggle. In order to overcome obstacles, it is suggested to have industry-relevant training from SP PACE Academy.

Data science is a fast-growing field. More and more people who want to do something different in research and work closely with technologies are opting for this domain. Skilled data scientists are very few because most professionals lose interest in learning after a certain age.

Professionals need to get certified through adult education programmes like the SGUS in Singapore. Gaining experience from work and upskilling to stay industry fit is completely a different ball game. You learn certain things from mentors like exploratory analysis skills, data mining, machine learning algorithms, etc.

It is always good to get the experience of advanced learning. SGUS assures industry immersion where you get to know the different ways how corporate are changing their ways of approaching issues. The best part of the SGUS programme is the additional $1200 training incentive. This is the golden opportunity to upskill in the field of Data Science with the help of experienced mentors.

Why Do A SGUnited Skills Programme in Data Science?

Train With SGUS Semiconductor Technology and Become a Successful Semiconductor Processor

With technology advancement, electrical works are also getting a bit complicated. Just a degree is not good enough to sustain the tough competition. You can easily be successful in the high-tech manufacturing industry if you possess the skills that the market is looking for. Enrol for an SGUS Semiconductor Technology course today, and boost your confidence level.


What would be the nature of work?

The task of a semiconductor processor involves converting substances like silicon into microchips. The next task is to oversee the manufacturing of the microchips. Cylinders of silicon, also known as wafers, are manufactured and rightly sliced to make semiconductors. The work needs clean rooms; hence the semiconductor processors work in clean rooms wearing the work garments to prevent injuries. These are some of the basic work rules you learn during the course from SP PACE Academy. They have collaboration with big companies who are always trying to help students with industry tips.

After going through the exhaustive training for one-year under the SGUnited Skills (SGUS) Programme, the professionals will be able to execute their tasks well. They will be responsible for adjustments, repairs, and troubleshoot any production problems. Their work might include testing of chips so that they do not cause problems later on.

Semiconductor processors work with limited work movement to keep their workplace clean and free from dust. Dust can be a problem for the microchips during production. Such a sensitive job needs skilled people who have the best industry-relevant knowledge.

The engineering sector is moving steadily even during this economic slowdown. They are in the hiring mode, and if you can easily be a part of it with the best-in-class training. An SGUS course can prepare you for industry challenges. Within a few years, you can move up to a senior technician level and perform as a team leader. Holding a basic degree can give a give you a salary which might not be satisfying, but a professional certificate programme gives you a higher wage than others in the same profession.

Most engineering sectors lack manpower who can take the business ahead. During the course of learning, many students are absorbed by some of the finest companies who see talents in the students. It is not the time to think but enrol for the course.

Train With SGUS Semiconductor Technology and Become a Successful Semiconductor Processor

How Learning Cybersecurity with SGUnited Skills Can Be a Brilliant Choice?

Cybersecurity has grown significantly in the area of the job for job hunters in Singapore. Many people are still not aware of the progressing industry. The recent pandemic has pushed tech professionals to think differently. SGUnited Skills Cybersecurity Professional Programme has become an integral part of many IT professionals who have lost jobs or searching to start something new. SP PACE Academy, along with other professional courses, is now trying to train people with this new programme to provide new job opportunities in Singapore.

job opportunities Singapore

Here is why you should enroll in the Cybersecurity certification.

Cybersecurity – a world of opportunities

Cybersecurity is something dominating the internet world of today. Since everything is going digital, it is also important to protect things online. Learning Cybersecurity is definitely a viable career option and going to stay for long. Along with Big Data, IoT, and cloud computing, data protection is a thing to bother for many big shot organizations. They are hiring skilled professionals to keep their data safe and intact from outside threats.

Travel the world with the certificate

For people who always wanted to travel, this is the right career option. There is a high rise in demand for professionals who match the competency level of the international job market. You can easily do an industrial training from SP PACE academy and bag in the job you had always dream of. Your dedication towards your course can give you big opportunities from all over the world. The certificate that you get will be accepted globally.

A career that does good to others

Cybersecurity companies have defended us time and again against multiple cyberattacks that always try to snatch our personal information. Cybercrimes are increasing day by day, and organizations are calling out for people who can join immediately doing well to people. If you want a satisfying career and want to create a difference, you must learn through the SGUnited Skills Programme.

There are some more additional benefits of learning Cybersecurity as your subject even during this pandemic. You can easily join one of the Fortune 500 companies and get the salary you deserve. Exhaustive training with some of the best mentors and a $1200 incentive every month is among the additional perks of SGUnited courses. Enroll today and see the transformation within a short span.

During the present situation, you can learn online. You don’t need to visit the campus and get all the course materials just at the click of a button.

How Learning Cybersecurity with SGUnited Skills Can Be a Brilliant Choice?