5 Things to Consider Before Enrolling For a Professional Conversion Programme

Professionals are affected negatively when they are stuck doing the same tasks over the years. If you love your job, it shouldn’t have to feel like it’s a burden. If you are feeling this way, then perhaps it’s time for you to take a break and go for a reskill. The path for reskilling have been made easier in Singapore with the help of Continuing Education Training (CET) providers as they have multiple courses for mid-level professionals to upskill and reskill.

Professional Conversion Programmes

If your job is monotonous and is making you frustrated, you can try out new domains through Professional Conversion Programmes.

Let us look into the ways these programmes help professionals.

Seek a new job role: Many sectors have been affected by the recent global pandemic, and if you are still unaware of the digital tools, then you might fail in continuing in your domain as the best. Mentors during the conversion programmes help in introducing candidates to modern ways and strategies, which can be used to adopt new job roles and stay digitally advanced.

Discover yourself in a new way: Tertiary education mostly consists of classrooms and lectures. As a student, you don’t get exposure to industry ambience. However, when you enrol in professional courses, you’ll get the exposure needed for you to delve deeper into a new world of possibilities and soon leverage the skills to climb up the corporate ladder.

Identify your core strength: You must’ve always felt passionate about something. It has always been your dream to be an engineer, maritime deck officer or it might even be a chemist. Regardless of what it is, it has to be nurtured. With the help of a conversion course, you can be part of the engineering world even if you are from a business background. As long as you have the willingness to learn, you can be an expert in your desired field.

Be hungry for more knowledge: Remember there is no end to learning. If you want to grow, you must learn. In Singapore, it is easy for professionals to continue their learning with the help of SkillsFuture Credit. A recurring credit system from the Government, dedicated towards the upskilling and reskilling of professionals. Receive the assistance and modernise your strategies and skills.

Get more opportunities: If you enter a sector with industry-relevant knowledge then you are open to more job opportunities. The open opportunities come from some of the top companies. You can easily avail yourself of the positions as you have the best skills from the CET providers.

If you are stagnant in your career then it is time to find another way. In Singapore, it is easy to switch domains with the help of the Professional Conversion Programme.

5 Things to Consider Before Enrolling For a Professional Conversion Programme

Choosing the Right Post-Diploma Courses: Explore Your Options

If you are a working individual in Singapore and are enthusiastic about enhancing or upgrading your professional skills, then you now have the opportunity of enrolling under a range of post-diploma courses made available by the Singapore Polytechnic Professional & Adult Continuing Education (PACE) Academy.

These courses and certification training can be highly valuable and an excellent opportunity for individuals looking for specialised skills and upskilling in a wide range of fields.

Part-Time Diploma Courses

There are a range of accredited institutions that can now offer post-diploma and part-time diploma courses to polytechnic graduates under the Earn and Learn (ELP) programme (also known as the SkillsFuture Work-Study Post-Diploma). This will help polytechnic graduates successfully enhance their skills through a range of university-level courses.

The participants of these post-diploma and part-time diploma courses will have the opportunity to take different skills-based modules along with other undergraduates enrolled in formal education courses and will also receive on-the-job training. The participants will get excellent learning opportunities through interactions with adult learners. This networking will help participants to gain in-depth and specialised knowledge about a specific industry and allow them to learn about the details of its practices.

The Work-Study programme also enables participants to enrol in an industry-accredited corresponding Diploma programme upon successful completion of the training and certification procedure. If you are interested in a post-diploma course, then here are some of the industries these courses cover which you can apply for based on your objectives and needs.

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Air Transport
  • Construction
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Chemical
  • Environmental Services
  • Financial Services
  • Food Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • ICT and Media
  • Logistics
  • Professional Services
  • Security

The courses are designed for individuals who want to deepen and enhance their skills and expertise in their particular field of specialisation. This makes a perfect way for them to pursue further education in their relevant fields. With these industry-approved training courses, you can get the chance to develop your knowledge, skills and career in your professional field while diversifying your knowledge. The post-diploma courses offered under the SkillsFuture Work-Study programme involves structured learning as well as work experience that helps the participants to effectively build new skills as well as upgrade their skills in a particular field. They are also given the opportunity to pursue higher and relevant educational degrees that are nationally accepted. It is the perfect opportunity for individuals to pursue their career goals and aspirations in a hassle-free and cost-effective manner.

Choosing the Right Post-Diploma Courses: Explore Your Options

Make a Fruitful Career in Cyber Security through Work-Study Programme

Getting a professional certificate in the field of cyber security can be useful for all working individuals. This space is ever-changing and requires practical experience than just domain knowledge. Doing a Work-Study Programme in Singapore will prepare you for all the cyber threats and resolve issues faster than most professionals.

During the course, you get involved in industry immersion where you get the work experience you need to perform better in future. The course overall adds value to your CV and make employers believe in your skills.

Certifications come with a benefit for the holder – They increase employability along with confidence. Employers looking for skilled people don’t want to lose such experts even during a pandemic. They hold on to the experienced individuals and assure them better designations.

Not only will you obtain domain skills but also soft skills training. Soft skills help professionals to face upcoming interviews in a better way, and they upkeep the positive attitude during work.

Work-Study Programmes

Can a certification complete skills shortage?

The answer to this is a big “YES”. The Work-Study Programmes are prepared  keeping in mind the industry requirements and start from the basics. Re-learning the fundamentals will brush up the skills you acquired before during your tertiary education.

The course on cyber security gets over within a year. It includes lectures and on-job training. More and more companies are joining hands with the CET providers so that they can absorb talented individuals. Report says around 3.5 million cyber security jobs will be available in 2021. If that is the case, you need to be well prepared beforehand because there are competitions in the market who want to pull you down.

It is always better to add a certificate to your name along with a degree. The outside digital threats are always trying to penetrate organisations’ sensitive data and must be aware of the same. You must know the footsteps of the hackers in order to combat them. Your skills and passion to learn can make you work with law-making bodies, and award you high salaries.

Along with the Work-Study Programme there are many other courses in the list of CET providers. Work-Study is for fresh graduates but if you are struggling with your present domain, and want to take a plunge into a completely different one then you can take admission in a Professional Conversion Programme. During this training, you are considered as a fresher and mentors prepare you from scratch.

Making students’ learning convenient, the government of Singapore has already added SkillsFuture Credit to some of the courses. If you are thinking of enrolling for a Work-Study Programme in cyber security, you can expect financial assistance through SkillsFuture.

Make a Fruitful Career in Cyber Security through Work-Study Programme

How Can A Work-Study Programme In Cyber Security Benefit Your Career?

Professional certification has several benefits, particularly in the cybersecurity space. This area demand varied skills than just a degree or work experience. You need to be well prepared about using the latest technologies and minimise the threats and challenges.

In Singapore, holding a professional certificate shows your depth in cybersecurity knowledge and expertise. During a Work-Study Programme, you are part of industry immersion where you get hands-on experience. This further strengthens your CV and makes employers believe in your skillset.

SkillsFuture Credit

Certifications have an advantage for the holder – increasing the employability along with status. Your experience gets validated, and an organisation looking for a top-notch cybersecurity professional can hire you for a long time. The certifications from the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centres are not country-specific. You get to grab global job opportunities.

Your certificate boosts your confidence, and you can perform meeting the code of ethics. You perform better than most with just a degree. Soon your work gets noticed, giving you a better designation.

Can a certification fill in the skills shortage?

It can when it comes to preparing students. It is essential for all entrants into the cybersecurity field to understand the basics. Work-Study Programme from a training institute keeps in mind the industry requirements and prepares the course curriculum accordingly.

The course gets completed within a year, which includes campus-based lessons and also on-the-job training. During the training, many trainees get absorbed by reputed companies fulfilling their criteria. According to a report, around 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs will be available in 2021. It is always better to prepare yourself beforehand. The training with the mentors and industry experts can give you the knowledge you really require to outperform others in the same domain.

It is always better to add a certificate to your name rather than just a simple degree. The whole concept of technology is changing rapidly, and the outside digital threats are becoming stronger. Hackers are no more following the old school ways, but they are also updating themselves. If you have the right knowledge in cybersecurity, you can always work for law-making bodies.

The SkillsFuture Credit is backing some of the training institutions in Singapore. It implies that trainees no more need to worry about their funding and continue training lifelong with the credit facility. If you want to have a blended learning experience, you must search for the top CET providers and fix one. It has been seen that most people with just a degree often suffer after career stagnancy after a certain period.

How Can A Work-Study Programme In Cyber Security Benefit Your Career?

5 Tips for a Professional Enrolling For Professional Conversion Programmes

It is often seen that professionals doing the same kind of job over the years get stagnant at a certain point of time. They need a break, but returning back to the same organisation seems much difficult even with significant years of experience. If this is the case, then it is time to look for a new job with a new designation. In Singapore, the step towards a new journey is quite easy with continuing education programmes.

Professional Conversion Programmes

Let us see how they help working professionals who are in their 40s.

Seek help from professional conversion programmes: The digital disruption has made a major impact on different sectors. A new role asks for the adoption of new techniques. You cannot be an old school if you want to succeed in the corporate world. Create your own identity in a new sector with the help of a professional conversion programme. Learn from the mentors how to be successful in the new domain with your new skills.

Identify your strengths: It is good to stick to your skills, but you often find your core strengths while working. If you are a finance person, you will possess analytical as well as problem-solving qualities. These can help you even when you get into the marketing or something similar. Your approach to work gets different when you get training from the best institution in Singapore. They work on your strengths and make you more confident.

Reinvent yourself: Classroom sessions are limited to books. When you indulge in a conversion programme, you get to learn from presentations to seminars. You get interactive sessions with mentors and industry experts. The knowledge is relevant to the changing industry and gives you a competitive edge. As a professional, you will get tips to acquire new skills adding to your old resume.

Be hungry for knowledge: It is the most important thing before you get into a conversion course or even an advanced diploma course. There must be zeal to learn more. Don’t let your thirst for knowledge go away at any age. There is no end to learning and training as the market is not stagnant. The job market is looking for people who are versatile in their approach and don’t get puzzled in case of complicated issues.

Be open to opportunities: Never stick to one if you want the growth. If a job is not paying you well or giving you stagnancy, you must take the next move. The move must start with proper training. This opens up opportunities which will make you forget your previous problems. Be open to grab the opportunities that come in your way and climb up the corporate ladder with the help of it. Having a varied experience will help you to stop making mistakes and be a key player.

You must keep in mind that you need to upskill for your career growth. A professional conversion programme can make you learn the most advanced techniques and help in professional transformation.

5 Tips for a Professional Enrolling For Professional Conversion Programmes

Why Should Fresh Graduates Enroll for Work-Study Programmes?

Work-study programmes provide fresh college pass-outs with a head start to their careers. Let’s take a deep-dive and discuss what makes work-study programmesso important for fresh graduates.

Work-Study Programmes

Why enroll for these programs?

Well, if you are a fresh graduate, a work-study programme introduces you to the corporate world. It is a bridge between you and your future. Having a work-study programmes certification will certainly add weight to your resume. Last but not the least, having the certification will give you more options to apply and give recruiters a strong reason to offer you a job.

Moving forward, let’s check out some more factors that should drive fresh graduates to enroll in these programs.

Relevant Experience

The work-study programmes are designed in such a way that it will help you to find a job that is related to the scope of your education. For example, if you choose business and management as your field of study, you will probably land up in getting a job as an admin in some institution. Similarly, if you opt for English, you are likely to find a job at a newspaper office. This experience will certainly help you build a strong foundation on which you can have a bright career.

Work Flexibility

Your recruiter will know that though you are working, you are still a student. This will make your employer considerate and flexible towards your association with the company. It would be ensured that your work hours do not clash with your class-schedule. Even before the semesters your employer will see if you can be provided with sufficient time to study and prepare.

Priceless Takeaway

It would be incorrect to think that having a steady flow of income is the prime reason for joining work-study programmes. As a matter of fact, the takeaways from the programs are priceless. For example, if you get to work as a teacher at a primary school, you will gain the experience of mass management. This experience will help you in the future when you lead a team in an organization where each team member portrays different characteristics.

When it comes to e-learning courses, Singapore has several top-rated institutes that offer these programs. Each of these institutes have different eligibility criteria and course structure. If you are keen to join these courses, you should certainly make a move now to enroll yourself.

Why Should Fresh Graduates Enroll for Work-Study Programmes?