A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Career in the Maritime Industry in Singapore

As one of the most exciting and rewarding career options, the maritime industry provides a wide range of opportunities for anyone who is keen on working at sea. With career options from ship captains to engineers, there are many ways to get started in this exciting industry.

technical courses

Here are five tips to help you kick-start your career in the maritime industry.


The maritime industry is highly regulated, so you’ll need to be certified in maritime courses to work on most ships.

Choose Your Position

There are a variety of positions available in the maritime industry. Choosing the one that’s right for you is important based on your skills, experience, and interests. Do some research to learn about the different types of positions available and what each entails? This will help you narrow down your options and find the best fit for your career.

Get Experience

Most employers in the maritime industry prefer candidates with experience. If you do not have any experience, interning with a maritime organization as this will allow you to learn about the industry and gain valuable experience that will help you get hired later on.

Build Your Network

The maritime industry is relatively small, so your network can be a valuable asset. Get connected with other professionals in the field and attend maritime events. This will help you meet more people in the industry and learn about new job opportunities.

Final Word

By following these tips and taking relevant technical courses, you can set yourself up for success and make the most of your maritime career. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask us in the comments.

A Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Career in the Maritime Industry in Singapore

Reasons Why Mechanical Engineering Is A Great Career Choice

Mechanical Engineering is a great choice as a lucrative career that applies the principles of engineering to the design, analysis, manufacturing and maintenance of machines. It sharpens and upgrades your skills in the design, research, development and manufacturing of equipment, aircraft and other vehicles and machines. If you have a passion for Mathematics and Physics, and if the mechanism of machines of any kind always interests you, enrol in industry-relevant courses that help you to get a certification in Mechanical Engineering.

industry-relevant courses
young asian colleagues coworkers working together in company meeting room using digital tablet.

The Continuing Education & Training (CET) providers in Singapore offer technical courses to interested participants who want to make a career in Mechanical Engineering. A Diploma in Engineering (Mechanical Technology) is the right course for those individuals.

How Is The Course Helpful In Building A Career?

1. The course opens the door for a wide range of career opportunities and sub-disciplines to specialise in a niche within mechanical engineering, such as marine engineering, aerospace engineering, automobile engineering and many more.

2. A mechanical engineer has a wide exposure to global opportunities. Engineering projects are located all over the world with requirements to meet the clients and conduct investigative fieldworks depending on the job roles and responsibilities.

3. Not only does the course help in making a promising career development and growth, the course also helps individuals to become a multi-talented person with knowledge in a wide variety of fields such as Chemistry, Physics, English Language, structures, electricity and computer applications.

4. Mechanical engineers use a wide range of tools and instruments like flowmeters, pressure gauges, computer software, combustion analysers, optical laser scanners and semiconductor process systems. This makes the career interesting and more passionate.

Course Outlines

The main objective of the course is to provide a broad-based Mechanical Engineering education. The course equips the technologists with knowledge and skills to design, build, operate and maintain different equipment ranging from simple devices to sophisticated machinery. The modules have been carefully selected to address the necessary skills and knowledge required by a person who aspires career advancement.

The industry-relevant course is suitable for engineers, assistant engineers, technicians, technical supervisors and other personnel who are interested in broad-based knowledge in Mechanical Engineering or want to make a career in the mechanical, manufacturing and production sectors.

Reasons Why Mechanical Engineering Is A Great Career Choice

Learn How an E-Learning Course Can Help You to Develop Advanced Manufacturing Skills

The world of manufacturing have evolved as technologies have replaced paper drawings, 2D schematics and punch cards. Modern day manufacturing tools such as 3D CAD files and digital twins have been used to multiply production process, and without the help of upskilling, engineers would find themselves caught in this fast paced industry.

e-learning courses Singapore

What can you learn from the course?

Enrolling in an online course in Advanced Manufacturing will help you to gain a broad overview of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and the day-to-day operations and challenges of manufacturing companies. You will learn how to:

Increase productivity: The course will shape your time management skills, allowing you to complete tasks easily and effortlessly. With better time management, you could become a better team player by assisting in other projects.

Be a step ahead towards Industrial IoT: As Singapore aims to grow its manufacturing sectors by 50% over the following years, having an in-depth knowledge of Industrial IOT would mean opening up to a room full of opportunities for working professionals.

The short course offered by SP PACE Academy introduces participants to new methodologies and also adds value to their resumes. They would be able to address technical issues faster and keep the process refined.

Industry 4.0 is not a subtractive force to take away jobs but to offer more career opportunities to aspiring individuals.

Learn How an E-Learning Course Can Help You to Develop Advanced Manufacturing Skills

Just Graduated? Get a Head Start in Your Career with Work-Study Programme

Singapore Polytechnic (SP) PACE Academy, in collaboration with SkillsFuture Singapore, aims to give fresh graduates a head-start in their career by giving them the best of both worlds gaining work experience and knowledge with a diploma or post-diploma at the same time.

If you are fresh out of college or the polytechnic, you hardly have any experience unless you have participated in a few internships. These are not enough to provide you with a satisfactory remuneration at the beginning of your corporate journey. If you want to add value to your resume and impress your employer, you need to consider Work-Study pathways in Singapore.

The Work-Study Programme (WSP) is an innovative programme which lets trainees be a part of a company, and gives them exposure to the corporate culture. The programme also lets students develop emerging skills that can help them stay productive and contribute to their companies. Every student will be guided by experienced mentor through structured on-the-job training (OJT) co-developed by lecturers of Singapore Polytechnic and industry mentor. The structured learning along with OJT introduces you to the expectations of the job role. These experiences enhance your personal career story that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Applying for the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme is easy. You can check for eligibility and if you meet the requirements, you can submit your participation form with your resume. The resume is forwarded to the participating companies for review and once accepted, you will begin the exciting journey of both working and studying at the same time.

Comprehensive training goes on for a short duration so that the trainees can quickly start their journey as full-time employees. During the training, the individuals are introduced to modern tools and techniques required to easily execute their tasks.


What’s the bonus?

If you are interested in enrolling in WSP then there is a sign-on incentive of $5,000 and also recognised certification such as a Diploma or a Post-Diploma on completion.

The trainees are also eligible to enjoy company benefits such as salary (based on current market rate) and other welfare perks.

Considering Work-Study Programmes can be truly beneficial for your career growth. The mentors let you unlock your potential and also know your domain of interest from the core.

If you want to stay updated with the courses, you can follow them here. SP PACE Academy is trying to build a strong workforce pipeline for the nation and this is the reason it believes that industry entrants must stay job-ready and continue learning.

Just Graduated? Get a Head Start in Your Career with Work-Study Programme

Know The Platter Of Business Activities By Doing Online Business Management Courses

For a nation’s growth, businesses are highly important. Businesses are able to exert influence economic growth positively or negatively. There are several parameters included in businesses to judge the success rate of it. Multiple pain points need to be solved and the individual who looks after them need to have the best expertise.

Get to know business management

To maximize business’ potential, there are several aspects which need to be fulfilled. To succeed in the ever competitive and demanding market, businesses have to recognise the potential loopholes so as to avoid and thrive on their own strengths. Singapore has given a home to many start-ups. There are success stories to be told while some businesses fall short of their potential. With proper business management, there is the potential to witness more start-ups thrive. 

There are several dynamics related to running a business, and you need to understand them well to succeed. To achieve the goal, you need to constantly upskill so as to understand the market better. In Singapore, there are popular Continuing Education Training (CET) providers such as SP PACE Academy who cater to the needs of mid-career professionals.

With an update of skills and strategies, it could bridge the gap for business owners who are in need of help. This is where an online business management course comes into play, and creates the difference.

What do you learn?

There are various parts related to the course. Let us know a few of them.

Business operations: Business operations include a set of activities that reoccur and improve business processes. Stakeholders seeing to the seamless flow can trust and expect the better value of Return of Investment (ROI). As you train with mentors, you know the activities in a better way and address them better.

Critical support: There are situations when you need to be actively involved in the internal affair and pull up the business. This needs proper planning and execution. During your training period, you will be made to think faster than others, and later be a key player during critical times.

Apart from knowing the business better, you will be following a great trend of upskilling. It has become necessary for all to know the tools and acquire skills that can help them to sustain in the market. CET providers give professionals not just an opportunity to nurture skills but also strengthen their network. Courses will let you interact with industry experts and business leaders, who will share their own experiences. You can stay in constant touch with them and also form your network with other professionals taking the same training.

Constant learning is not difficult in Singapore as the Singapore Government supports the nation workforce with SkillsFuture credit facility. You can utilize the credits and continue to pursue your dream to be a successful business manager.

Know The Platter Of Business Activities By Doing Online Business Management Courses

A Technical Course In Computer Networking: Why Is It Relevant?

Technology has advanced so much that our dependence on computers has increased immensely over the last few decades. Networking must be kept seamless to ensure no disruptions to our IT systems and this where a skillful network professional comes into the picture.

It has been observed that the market of upskilled professionals is always evolving. There is an increase in the number of professionals who seek upskilling and reskilling opportunities from Continuing Education & Training (CET) providers in Singapore, and these professionals have received more job opportunities in recent years. These rates are expected to grow continuously.

technical courses

What are some reasons that can motivate you to take up a Technical Course in Computer Networking? We have listed down some distinctive facts below that are sure to interest you:

Computer networking professionals highly sought after

The occupational plan for the next five years is clear for IT professionals. The pandemic has influenced a lot of companies to go digital. There will be more job opportunities if you are technically sound and are always up for a good challenge More IT startups are planning to launch in the next few years and professionals with domain knowledge and experience will be highly sought after.

Higher earnings

What will stops you from getter a better salary compared to others when you continuously upskill? The answer is nothing. Singapore has seen steady rise in the salary of professionals who constantly upgrade themselves and understand their domain well. Companies value and are always seeking professionals who can help them in the long run. Take the initiative to attend more upskilling courses and you may have the opportunity to promote faster and reward yourself with outstanding earnings.

A great future

If you think that you are restricted to only computer networking then you are wrong. Technologies are evolving faster and many more doors will open in future for you to try your hands on new things. Keep learning and strengthening your skillsets. Soon you will be an asset to some of the finest organizations.

Always try to experiment and get the best knowledge out of it. Having a positive attitude towards lifelong learning is important. CET providers in Singapore have a wide range of industry-relevant courses leveraging new ways of training to enrich your knowledge base and improve the learning experience within a short period.

Updating your skills can give you an exciting and rewarding career in Singapore. The certificate that you will be gaining from a professional Technical Course is also globally accepted and can be put to good use in multiple industries. Your upskilling doesn’t stop even if you are at the midpoint of your career. Continue to learn and grow to be a master of your sector.

A Technical Course In Computer Networking: Why Is It Relevant?

Continuing Education Courses: Fine-Tuning Your Old Skills

Going back to a thorough training schedule even after serving an organisation for a certain period can be rewarding? Why do you need this training? The answer to this is upskilling. You cannot sustain the competition for your colleagues or freshers with the same old skills. You need to stay updated with industry-relevant knowledge for better job opportunities and career growth. You can get everything under one roof and that is when you get in touch with a renowned Continuing Education Training (CET) provider.

Continuing Education Courses

What you get

Showing interest in Continuing Education Courses will definitely cost time and energy. Is it worth taking? The answer is a yes. If you enrol for a course then you get the following benefits.

Experienced trainers: As a professional, you need to learn something new that can help you in the long run. The person who knows your domain from the core can only serve your purpose. This is where an experienced mentor during a Continuing Education Course comes into play. He knows his job perfectly and makes you indulge in several practical activities, before completing the training.

Several courses: The list of courses is lengthy. You need to get in touch with the best CET provider if you want help in your career counselling. Along with courses, there are many government initiated programmes, which can help in continuing education. The programmes are well designed according to industry needs and you can offset your course fees with the help of credit. A CET provider will guide you to the best course you can take up for your career acceleration.

Use of modern tools for training: Classroom training is not the only option for mentors available for their trainees. There are several other ways of upskilling professionals. During the bad time when in-public classes are restricted training, institutes are going virtual. There has been a spoke in virtual platforms, webinars, online libraries, presentations, and also infographics. You don’t fall behind others even during a pandemic and continue training for better jobs.

Living a regular lifestyle with a 9 to 5 job is good. Did you ever give it a thought that what happens to you during a recession or when technology evolves? You fall behind and soon see yourself cornered at one place. To recover from this phase industry-relevant courses are required. The well-structured courses are good enough to give you 360-degree transformation and enhance your knowledge base.

The best CET provider in Singapore will make your corporate life happening. You train with experienced mentors and get industry visits. You must not hesitate to upskill at any age because it is for your betterment. Singapore is a place where sectors are always looking for upskilled individuals. You will get news of vacancies because of skills gap. Take this opportunity to learn and fit an organisation with a better designation and higher salary package.

Continuing Education Courses: Fine-Tuning Your Old Skills

Certification Programme: Driving Mid-Career Professionals towards Excellence

If you are experiencing career stagnancy, then perhaps it might be time for you to give Certification Programmes a thought. You will gain industry exposure from the experts through the course and that helps you gain better career opportunities and increase your market demand.

Job obstacles are getting more complicated, and it is difficult to get past them without expert guidance. The skills that you learn are more relevant to industry standard, and can easily offer you a better salary package. Having a degree isn’t enough to make you survive the stiff competition in the job market during this difficult time as employers are always looking for ‘more’.

The course training stays domain-centric and that implies no unnecessary subjects covered. Learning is not restricted to lectures and to make things more interesting and involving, mentors prefer practical sessions. These sessions give students access to modern tools, which later on can be used to simplify their work.

certification programme

If you are thinking about the subjects which are included then the list is endless.

Data Science: Every industry is dealing with giant data. They need upskilled people who can analyse and handle these numbers easily. These data are much private and needs modern technologies to get them into one place. If you want to be a part of the Big Data and Machine Learning industry then you must understand Data Science from the core. If you are a fast learner and want to set a mark in the world of technology, then an Advanced Diploma in Data Science can be great.

Digital Marketing: Online Marketing courses are now a trend. These courses are getting popular among professionals. If you are innovative and love learning new tools to reach out to more people then digital marketing is the best way.

It is difficult to manage time as a professional, but that’s not the case of Certification Programmes in Singapore. The training time is flexible so that even after working hours you can gear up for your future challenges.

All Continuing Education Training (CET) providers offer online access to students so that they can avail of training even during an adverse situation. The recent pandemic is an example where campus visit is strictly prohibited.

Students are getting trained with the help of presentations, webinars and also online assessments.

There are many other subjects added to the list if you are seeking professional training. They include Blockchain, Public Library Management and others.

Certification Programme: Driving Mid-Career Professionals towards Excellence

What Are The Values Of Certification Programmes For Individuals?

If you want to know the best way to increase credibility, self-image, and constant professional development, the answer lies with certification programmes. Certification always helps employers to select the candidates for their work. The add-on to the resume makes them believe in individual skills, and select the person for a higher designation.

Certification programme

A professional certificate documents your experience, domain knowledge and critical solving qualities which are absent in professionals without continuing education.

What you can foresee as an individual

  • Enhance professional credibility
  • Accelerate your skillset to get more job opportunities
  • A certificate course acts as your proof of confidence towards complicated tasks
  • You can expect higher salary packages and ability to switch job easily
  • It encourages lifelong learning

Upon joining a certificate course, you are able to establish your own network as you will meet other similar professionals under the same course. The training from the best Continuing Education Training (CET) provider is not restricted to just lectures. You will participate in group discussions where you join other professionals. This group can prove to be a great resource when you are seeking for an answer related to the marketing domain. The group of professionals can provide you with the latest industry news and insights to advance in your career.

In Singapore, if you want the best-in-class infrastructure along with a blended learning experience then you must take admission in a reputed training institute.

The institutions are constantly working on improving the Singapore workforce by introducing new programmes. These programmes have industry-relevant courses which can provide new job vacancies to the trainees. Here are some programmes that are able to attract more professionals:


This is a golden opportunity for all Singaporeans to unlock their fullest potential during various stages in their career. You can expect a 360-degree learning experience when you enrol for this programme. For trainees to focus fully on the course, the government has allotted credit amount for all trainees to continue their lifelong learning. This amount is recurring and cannot be encashed to purchase other things.

SGUnited Skills Programme

During COVID-19, many have lost their jobs or are looking for a job switch due to their establishment shutting down. These group of people might not have the skills they require to fit in a certain industry. To improve the situation for these individuals, the Singapore government has introduced SGUS as a full-time certification programme. During a course, professionals will undergo rigorous training under the guidance of experienced mentors and finally indulge in an industry immersion programme.

There is no reason to stay stagnant midway of your career. Keep the ball rolling with the help of certification programmes. There are multiple benefits being added to the professional courses which offer you the competitive edge that one is looking for.

What Are The Values Of Certification Programmes For Individuals?

Why Should You Go for Maritime Courses?

Joining one of the maritime courses and completing it will give you the scope to enter the maritime industry and have a successful career. These industry-relevant courses are designed so that non-maritime working professionals can update themselves with the latest trends, practices, and required knowledge of the offshore industry.

maritime courses

Leading adult education continuing institutes in Singapore are offering these courses. The courses are not only for those who want to start their career in the maritime industry but also for those who wish for an industry switch. Going forward, let’s check out some more benefits of joining this industry.

Lucrative Remuneration

Did you know that in Singapore a job in the maritime industry can offer you a salary package of S$5000 to S$12,000 per month? On top of that, every penny in that pay package is tax-free.

Adding on to the list, maritime professionals have most of their domestic expenses born by the company itself. Thus he/she gets a great scope to save a lump sum amount of money from his/her monthly salary.

Extended Holidays

Holidays are extremely important for working professionals, especially those who spend months in the sea, away from their family and friends. If you take a look at the holiday list of an average working professional in Singapore, you will find that he/she is entitled to have only 7 annual holidays.

However, a working professional in the maritime industry is entitled to enjoy up to 4 months of uninterrupted leaves every year. This is to compensate for the physical and mental stress one has to go through during their days at the sea.

You too can enjoy this extended holiday plan if you join the maritime industry. For this, you need to be well prepared to cater to the requirements of the industry. Joining maritime courses will help you to get closer to this dream job.

Opportunity to Grow

The maritime industry offers growth opportunities for those who show dedication and commitment to his/her job role. If you manage to get hold of a job in this industry by completing one of the offered maritime courses, you are all set to take your career to greater heights.

Browse through the websites of institutes that are offering these courses. Check out the course module, eligibility criteria, class timings, fees, etc, and opt for the one that you think will be able to help you with your career in the maritime industry.

Why Should You Go for Maritime Courses?