Improve Your Professionalism with Earn and Learn Courses

Applying for an Earn and Learn programme is not merely about getting a job. It’s more about building your career. The best part about these courses is that they allow the learners to gain expertise and credentials and even earn wages.

Career-focussed individuals get the advantage of earning while learning, which makes it even more convenient for them to pay their course fees. Industry-recognised certifications help the candidates identify interesting and high-paying career opportunities to strengthen their professional graph.

Professional Conversion Programme

The subjects on which you can pursue your Earn and Learn courses are:


  • Environmental Sciences – This is a programme which helps the candidates deepen their knowledge on resource management, environment sustainability, solid waste treatment, urban ecology, biodiversity and health management. Participants dig deep into the strategies and technologies used to ensure a pollution free neighbourhood.
  • Sports Wellness – A course on Sports Wellness focuses on the work approaches and methodologies required to succeed in the sports industry. Trainers use different case studies and real-life scenarios to help the candidates understand the fundamentals of sports management and the expertise needed to excel in this field.
  • Hospitality Management – Candidates, who take up Hospitality Management, learn about methods of handling customer issues, resolving problems as and when they arise, and supervise staff working in a hotel or a restaurant. Course subjects may include nutrition and food beverage service, catering service, bakery and confectionery, cookery, front office operations and housekeeping. Students develop excellent communication power, interpersonal skills and a zeal for self-discipline.
  • Human Resource Management – This course provides a wider and more extensive knowledge on managing, administering and monitoring projects as an HR personnel. Course-takers develop a detailed knowledge on the induction process, team building activities, workforce management skills, exit interviews, and various other HR policies which are of huge importance in any corporate environment.
  • Digital Content Creation – We are in this age of digital brand engagement, where it is extremely important for workers to stay up-to-date about the bleeding-edge digital technologies and online platforms. A course on Digital Content Creation further allows the candidates to create rich and compelling content combined with effective digital distribution for improved brand reputation.

Singapore houses many renowned training centres which provide industry-focussed courses. If you are keen to pursue an Earn and Learn course, a professional conversion programme or an e-learning programme, enrol yourself at any of these training academies, to tap onto interesting job opportunities and excel at your craft.

Improve Your Professionalism with Earn and Learn Courses

Improve Your Competency with Government-subsidised Courses

Skills-based training courses, which are subsidised by the government, enable the learners to pursue their studies easily. This is primarily because the government pays a major portion of the course fees and the rest is paid by the learners. This makes it much more convenient for the advanced learners to pursue these government-subsidised courses.

Since these courses are subsidised, the amount that the students need to pay is much less than the actual course fees. This motivates the learners and boosts career improvement. By making students eligible for subsidies, the government not only encourages the learners to maximise their skill sets, but also helps them strengthen their employability across sectors.

subsidised courses

This government initiative to contribute to the training cost of adult learners helps people step up their competency and performance standards. Self-paced and flexible courses such as these enable the participants to deepen their industry knowledge and enhance their productivity.

In fact, the contents of these courses focus primarily on job specific skill sets which equip the learners with the latest tools and industry techniques. The courses also throw light on the newest trends, industry news and business solutions which the learners must know in order to keep pace with the ever-evolving changes in the market.

There are many institutes in Singapore which offer career-centric courses which are government subsidised. If you are keen to grow in your career and improve your professional capabilities, then register for these subsidised programmes and upskill yourself. These training institutes offer interactive classes and interesting sessions to engage the learners and widen their knowledge. The lecturers offering these courses organise small group discussions and activities to further involve the learners in task-based projects. This not only improves the thinking power of the candidates, it also enhances the collaborative skills of the learners. The course-participants get to analyse, assess and identify various industry scenarios and come up with fruitful solutions for the same. They also learn to adapt to different environment and work cultures. While pursuing these courses, the students learn to develop a positive work approach and maintain work ethics.

In a nutshell, these training programmes allow the students to:

  • Get in-depth industry insights
  • Step up their communication skills
  • Become aware of the recent market trends and strategies

If you are keen to register for subsidised programmes, technical courses, management courses or other career-based programmes, choose a good institute at Singapore, and take admission for your preferred course. Stay competitive and stay a notch above your peers.

Improve Your Competency with Government-subsidised Courses

Discover Newer Work Areas with a Professional Conversion Programme

Are you interested to switch your careers? Do you feel you need to acquire new skill sets to excel at a new area of work? If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then apply for a professional conversion programme. These are courses which are specially developed to help the candidates update themselves about a particular area of work, which is different from the career path they have an expertise in.

Working individuals, especially mid-level managers and corporate executives often feel stagnated in their respective career paths, after having worked in the same field for many years. They often look for new skills and expertise, to explore newer areas of work, mostly the one which personally interests them. Conversion courses are perfect for these working individuals. These courses allow the learners to sharpen their skills in a new industry segment.

Conversion Courses

High-quality, affordable, all-encompassing and uniquely-tailored conversion courses allow the participants to deepen their knowledge and gain expertise in a field their undergraduate courses or professional career has not prepared them for. Conversion courses enable the participants to take up new responsibilities and new job roles. This automatically encourages the learners to look for new career possibilities, better opportunities, better work profile, personal growth, job satisfaction and higher pay.

In essence, conversion courses help candidates:

  • Expand their skill sets
  • Continue their studies at a higher level
  • Increase their confidence of qualifying for interesting job roles
  • Develop competencies for new industries and sectors
  • Pursue a professional path which interests them

Interested candidates can choose from a large range of subjects as part of their conversion courses such as:

  • Journalism: Conversion courses on Journalism deals with international public relations, international journalism, news and magazine journalism, communication methods, broadcast journalism, and more. Those interested to enhance their journalistic skills and expertise, can apply for a conversion course on Journalism.
  • Dentistry: Participants who apply for a conversion programme on Dentistry get to dig deep into Surgical Techniques, Implant Surgery, Oral Diseases, Forensic Dentistry, and Radiology. The learners get the chance to maximise their critical thinking, evaluative, problem-solving, visual memory and interactive powers.
  • Healthcare Sciences: A conversion course on Healthcare Sciences includes aspects such as tissue analysis, genetics, medical illustration and embryology. Course-participants learn to treat and diagnose diseases through their relevant skill sets and enhanced dexterity.

If you are keen to transform your career or switch your job, go ahead and apply for professional conversion courses. Singapore has many training centres which provide these courses for the career switchers. Choose your favourite subject to improve your career prospects.

Discover Newer Work Areas with a Professional Conversion Programme

Step Up Your Job Prospects with Government-subsidised Courses

In order to help young learners expand their industry-centric knowledge, the Government of Singapore has introduced professional training courses, at a reduced cost. This has led more and more working executives to pursue these government-subsidised courses.

Professional skills-centric courses, funded by the government, help the learners expand their skill sets, without having to incur huge costs. The subsidised courses, help the candidates take up career-based training programmes, without worrying about the course fees. The reduced training costs make it a lot more convenient for the candidates to go ahead with their career enhancement process.

cyber security courses

Funding and incentives, offered by the government to help adult learners upskill themselves, is a noble endeavour, taken up by the government. Such movements and endeavours, allow the job-seekers to advance their professional path efficiently. By making students eligible for subsidies, the government not only motivates the learners to enhance their potentials, but also helps them strengthen their chances of employability across sectors.

Self-paced and flexible courses such as these enable the participants to deepen their industry knowledge and improve their standards of productivity. In fact, the contents of these career-based courses focus mainly on practical skills, data and statistics, which pertain to the present industry standards. This makes the courses relevant, important and immensely valuable.

There are many training centres in Singapore which facilitate lifelong learning and boosts career development by offering government-subsidised courses. If you are keen to widen your job prospects and explore better career opportunities, then apply for a government-funded course, in your favourite training institute. During the course tenure, you will be a part of several interactive sessions and important workshops. Such sessions will help you deepen your core skills and boost your key potentials to the fullest. For instance, workshops, offered during these subsidised courses, help the candidates to get a hands-on training on the latest industry tools, equipment and technologies. This proves to be immensely beneficial for the applicants to get a detailed insight into how their target industry works and the result-driven solutions associated with it.

In fact, students even learn to develop valuable content for assignments and presentations. This allows the candidates to extract relevant information, research for important data, and format the content in a coherent and comprehensive manner.

Singapore-based training centres provide government-funded courses, cyber security courses, management courses, and other e-learning courses. Depending on your interests and career choices, you can apply for your favourite professional course, and elevate your career graph.

Step Up Your Job Prospects with Government-subsidised Courses

Take Up Government-funded Courses for Broader Career Scopes

Government funding and incentives have made it much easier for the citizens of Singapore to take up skills-oriented training programmes. Funds, offered by the Government of Singapore, help young learners upskill themselves and become more dexterous at work. Funded courses or subsidised programmes, encourage the learners to take up skills training without having to pay the course fees from their own pocket. Since these courses are subsidised by the government, more and more students feel interested to pursue them.

blended learning courses

These courses offer skills and nurture the students in such a manner which helps them industry-ready. The training formats and modules fully guide and assist the students for a stronger career path. These training programmes are developed to minimise skill gaps and maximise performance levels. Learning is the only way to grow in life, and government-funded courses are specially crafted to boost professional learning for career development and growth.

Students, pursuing government-funded courses get to equip themselves with the essential skills needed to cope up with the everyday challenges of work life. They learn to turn their weaknesses into strengths and eliminate skills gaps as much as possible. The candidates also learn to sharpen their technical proficiency as well as life skills, in order to bag interesting jobs across sectors.

The applicants get a chance to directly interact with the trainers who are industry luminaries themselves and know the market well. By interacting and collaborating with the experienced trainers, the candidates get a broader overview of their target industry. The trainers even guide and throw light on specific industry strategies and solutions, which help the candidates work efficiently and confidently. More importantly, the course-participants become aware of different business procedures and tools, which allow them to smartly operate at challenging job spaces.

The trainers even organise group learning sessions and activities, to allow the candidates cooperate and team up with one another. Such team-building activities boost bonding among the learners and allow each one to work in synergy with the other.

In today’s world of globalisation, it is important for every nation to train its workforce for the development of a sound economy. And government-funded courses prove to be of huge help in fully nurturing and maximising talents.

Government-funded programmes, therefore, improve the competency and productivity levels of the candidates and help them enhance their efficacy. These funded courses or blended learning courses can add an edge to the careers of the applicants. So, are you ready to widen your job scopes by enrolling for such a courseware?

Take Up Government-funded Courses for Broader Career Scopes