Implementing Workplace Learning: What are some Challenges to Expect?

Workplace Learning (WpL) has great value and we are glad you are taking a step towards fostering a culture of growth and development that will benefit both employees and your organisation.

Workplace Learning Course

With any new initiative, there are bound to be roadblocks. This blog will discuss five challenges you may face when implementing workplace learning and how to overcome them.

Resistance to Change

As the saying goes, “Old habits die hard.” Employees who have been used to a certain way of doing things may resist new changes, especially if they perceive it as additional work.

However, overcoming this challenge is crucial for the success of WpL.

Here are some ways to support your employees in seeing the value of WpL:

  • Communicate the benefits of workplace learning clearly to employees
  • Involve them in the planning and decision-making process
  • Provide training and support to help them adapt to the changes

Lack of Time

The big questions – how do you prioritise staff development and, more importantly, how do you get your employees to prioritise learning.

Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Set realistic goals: This involves two-way discussions to identify the skills and knowledge necessary for your employees to perform their roles effectively. The goals and learning activities should be relevant, achievable, and measurable, with clear outcomes and timelines.
  2. Provide flexible learning options: Employees may find taking time off work to attend training sessions challenging, leading to low attendance and engagement. Provide flexible learning options that fit into your employees’ work schedules to overcome this challenge.
  3. Encourage managers: Managers play a crucial role in supporting employees’ learning and development. They can encourage employees to participate in learning activities, provide feedback and coaching, and allocate time for learning. Equip your managers with the necessary resources and training to support their teams’ learning and development.

Lack of Budget

As you begin to implement Workplace Learning, you may encounter a major challenge many organisations face – a limited budget.  

So what can you do? Follow these tips:

  1. Prioritise Learning Needs: Identify the skills that are most important to your organisation’s success and prioritise them. Also, consider investing in the essential areas to make a significant impact on your organisation.
  2. Leverage Free Resources: Many learning resources are available online for free. Use these resources to your advantage. Also, encourage your employees to participate in online courses, webinars and seminars. Don’t forget to make full use of open-source tools, educational blogs and YouTube videos that provide valuable information.
  3. Partner with Other Organisations: Partnering with other organisations can be a cost-effective way to offer learning opportunities. Seek out industry associations, educational institutions and other businesses that are interested in sharing learning resources or collaborating on training programmes. By pooling your resources, you can offer your employees access to a broader range of learning opportunities.
  4. Use Blended Learning: Blended learning combines traditional classroom-style learning with online learning modules, videos, and simulations. This approach allows employees to learn at their own pace, reduces travel costs, and makes learning more accessible.
  5. Tap on Funding: At SP, we have worked closely with organisations to tap on available government funding such as the Mentorship Support Grant. Reach out to us to find out more.

Lack of Engagement

Learning and development activities can only be effective if the employees are engaged and motivated. Lack of engagement is a common challenge, but can be overcome:

  • Make learning and development activities relevant and applicable to the employees’ job roles and career goals.
  • Provide opportunities for feedback and reflection.
  • Recognise and reward employees who demonstrate a commitment to learning and development.

Final Word

Implementing workplace learning can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavour. Understanding and addressing these challenges can create a workplace culture that values growth and development.

Remember, it may take time and effort, but the result will be worth it. Take the first step today and embark on a journey towards creating a holistic learning environment that thrives in the ever-changing business landscape.

Implementing Workplace Learning: What are some Challenges to Expect?