At SP PACE: Investing in Your Skills is an Investment in Your Future

The SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) is designed to support mid-career professionals in transitioning to new careers or sectors that have

good growth prospects and opportunities.

SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme

SCTP provides eligible individuals with training and support to acquire new skills and knowledge, to equip them with the necessary competencies to thrive in emerging

or growth industries and secure better job prospects in the changing job market.

At SP PACE Academy, a diverse range of SCTP is available in a part-time or full-time format, ranging from 3 to 12 months, to meet your individual needs and interest areas.

(SCTP) AI and Cloud Services

The course will prepare participants to excel in the AI and Cloud Computing industries.   Learn fundamentals skills in Computer Networking, Python Programming, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Services and Storage Technologies. With these skills and knowledge gained, participants will be able to take on new challenges in the Infocomm and Technology (ICT) sector with job roles such as:

●Data Analyst

●Associate Data Engineer

●Data Engineer

●Data Architect

●Cloud Engineer

●Artificial Intelligence

●Machine Learning Engineer

(SCTP) Aircraft Maintenance for Technician

This course equips participants with the necessary aviation maintenance skill sets to work in exciting jobs such as aircraft cabin technicians, aircraft technicians, and aircraft component workshop technicians.

Learn basic knowledge in aircraft systems and aircraft maintenance practices,

Step Up to Success!  Our SCTP is your ticket to professional growth. Expand your skill sets, amplify your impact, and make your mark on the world.

(SCTP) Applied HR and Business Digitalisation

Develop an appreciation of the basic Human Resource (HR) function, the local labour legislation &policies, the mindset and competencies required of a HR professional.

With the skills and knowledge gainedparticipants who have completed the course will be able to take on new challenges in Professional Services with job roles such as:

●HR administrator

●HR assistant

●Executive assistant (HR)

●HR Executive

●HR recruiter

●HR business partner

(SCTP) Data Centre Professionals

In collaboration with Amazon Web Service (AWS) Academy, pick up exciting new skills and knowledge and take on new challenges in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector with job roles as:

●Engineering Operations Technicians

●Data Centre Technician

(SCTP) Start-up Essentials for Creative Entrepreneurship

This course equips participants with the essential knowledge and skills to become a successful creative entrepreneur. Take ownership of one’s creative skill set, expand & apply their fundamentals to grow a creative business model by managing and executing a business growth plan, while establishing creative and unique branding strategies.

Participants will be able to take on new challenges, not limited to the Design & Media industry, with job roles such as:

  • Designer
  • Visualiser
  • Storyteller
  • Content Strategist
  • Video Editor
  • Creative Entrepreneur
At SP PACE: Investing in Your Skills is an Investment in Your Future

Everything to Know About the SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes in Singapore

A career transition programme is meant for mid-career professionals to acquire new skills related to their industry and switch to a new job role to seek better career opportunities. The course duration may range from 3 to 12 months. You will get employment facilitation and career consultation as part of these programmes. Here are various features of a career transition programme you must consider if you are looking for a career switch.

skillsfuture career transition programme

Modular Courses

The SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) offers modular courses which allow you to study at your own pace and in sync with your other commitments. This is a boon for working adults who wish to learn new skills while working. This will help you to balance work and study commitments seamlessly.

Support for Job Seekers

You will get employment facilitation and full job support as part of the SCTP. This is to help you switch to a new job after completing the programme.

Funding Support

The SCTP offers funding support to cover the course fees, assessment fees and other miscellaneous expenses. This will help to reduce the financial burden on participants.

Comprehensive Curriculum

You will access a comprehensive curriculum covering the course’s theoretical and practical aspects. This will help you gain industry-relevant skills that can be applied in your future job.

Experienced Trainers

You get trained by experienced trainers who are knowledgeable in the industry. This will help you learn from their experience and gain insights into the industry. The notes you make during the classroom sessions will help you find a suitable job and come in handy as you work in the company and need to revisit the concepts.

Small Class Sizes

The class sizes are small, which allows for more interaction between trainers and participants. This will help you to get more individual attention and support.

Industry Recognition

The SCTP offers industry recognition for the courses completed. This will help you stand out when applying for jobs in the future.

Course Consultation

You will be able to pick suitable courses for your career goals to ensure that you enrol in the right courses to help you achieve your desired outcome.

Course Selection Flexibility

The SCTP offers the option to select part-time or full-time courses. This will allow you to study at your own pace and choose the course schedule that fits your lifestyle and career progression pathway.

Employment Facilitation Services

The employment facilitation services by SCTP will help you with your job search. This includes interview consultation to help you better understand and prepare for interviews and find suitable jobs.

Final Word

If you are considering a career transition, the SkillsFuture Train and Place Programme is a good option to consider. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers and employment facilitation support, the SCTP can help you make a successful career switch.

Everything to Know About the SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes in Singapore