Apply for Conversion Courses to Experience a Smooth Career Transition

Select a conversion course, depending on your professional needs, and shoot up your career graph. Conversion courses, selected wisely, can easily help you unleash your true potentials.

These skills training programmes are mainly developed for professional executives who want to make a career switch. Those who apply for these courses can be from any discipline, such as, Science, Commerce and Humanities. Therefore, students automatically get the opportunity to change their career path, through conversion programmes.

Continuing Education Courses

These skills development programmes cover subjects such as Business Administration, IT, Teaching, Law, Digital Marketing, Shipping, and more. According to your career needs, you can pursue your favourite course and deepen your skill sets.

Given below are few examples in details, to help you understand better:

  • Convert To Teaching

There are several engineers, who want to take up teaching as their career. To successfully make a career transition, and widen your career opportunities in the field of education, you can pursue a conversion course on Teaching. These courses enable the students to improve their skills as a teacher or an instructor. Participants, who register for these courses, get the opportunity to take part in practice-based assignments and project work, which nurtures their expertise in the field even more.

  • Convert To Shipping

Nowadays, many software developers want to get into the maritime sector. Those willing to explore the shipping industry and discover their potentials in this field can register for a conversion programme on Shipping. Such a programme can give the students a broader knowledge on freight management, maritime crewing, logistics, shipping equipment and installation, maritime chartering, cargo surveying, port inspections and marine insurance, to name a few. All such information will help you dig into the various aspects of the maritime industry and how each segment functions. The courses will help you improve your technical prowess and performance level.

  • Convert To Digital Media Marketing

To succeed in this digital age, one needs to be extremely proficient with the newest tools and technologies available online. Those interested to pursue a conversion course on Digital Media and Marketing get to learn about the leading-edge techniques and software suites, which help companies engage customers, drive leads and improve ROI.

If you are interested to take admission for conversion courses or continuing education courses, select a reputed educational centre at Singapore which provides skills development courses. Seek training from a well-known academy and widen your job scopes.

Apply for Conversion Courses to Experience a Smooth Career Transition

Discover Newer Work Areas with a Professional Conversion Programme

Are you interested to switch your careers? Do you feel you need to acquire new skill sets to excel at a new area of work? If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then apply for a professional conversion programme. These are courses which are specially developed to help the candidates update themselves about a particular area of work, which is different from the career path they have an expertise in.

Working individuals, especially mid-level managers and corporate executives often feel stagnated in their respective career paths, after having worked in the same field for many years. They often look for new skills and expertise, to explore newer areas of work, mostly the one which personally interests them. Conversion courses are perfect for these working individuals. These courses allow the learners to sharpen their skills in a new industry segment.

Conversion Courses

High-quality, affordable, all-encompassing and uniquely-tailored conversion courses allow the participants to deepen their knowledge and gain expertise in a field their undergraduate courses or professional career has not prepared them for. Conversion courses enable the participants to take up new responsibilities and new job roles. This automatically encourages the learners to look for new career possibilities, better opportunities, better work profile, personal growth, job satisfaction and higher pay.

In essence, conversion courses help candidates:

  • Expand their skill sets
  • Continue their studies at a higher level
  • Increase their confidence of qualifying for interesting job roles
  • Develop competencies for new industries and sectors
  • Pursue a professional path which interests them

Interested candidates can choose from a large range of subjects as part of their conversion courses such as:

  • Journalism: Conversion courses on Journalism deals with international public relations, international journalism, news and magazine journalism, communication methods, broadcast journalism, and more. Those interested to enhance their journalistic skills and expertise, can apply for a conversion course on Journalism.
  • Dentistry: Participants who apply for a conversion programme on Dentistry get to dig deep into Surgical Techniques, Implant Surgery, Oral Diseases, Forensic Dentistry, and Radiology. The learners get the chance to maximise their critical thinking, evaluative, problem-solving, visual memory and interactive powers.
  • Healthcare Sciences: A conversion course on Healthcare Sciences includes aspects such as tissue analysis, genetics, medical illustration and embryology. Course-participants learn to treat and diagnose diseases through their relevant skill sets and enhanced dexterity.

If you are keen to transform your career or switch your job, go ahead and apply for professional conversion courses. Singapore has many training centres which provide these courses for the career switchers. Choose your favourite subject to improve your career prospects.

Discover Newer Work Areas with a Professional Conversion Programme

Acquire Top-notch Industry Skills with Subsidised Courses

Preparing you for workplace challenges, skills training and government-subsidised courses are comprehensive and market-relevant. These courses open up newer employment opportunities and scope of work for people.

Fully-subsidised training programmes, can motivate the learners to take up lifelong learning. The funding scheme or the financial support, offered by the government, helps the candidates take up responsibilities of their own skills. By bearing the cost of training, the government aims to equip the learners with updated skill sets and broader industry knowledge.

The Government of Singapore works towards preparing its workforce for the competitive job industry by providing them training courses at a subsidised cost. Owing to the massive technological developments across sectors, the need for highly expert workers has gone up. The competition for the highly prized positions has increased too. When employers hire, they expect candidates to be competent, proficient with technical knowledge and immensely effective. The employers also look for candidates who can deliver excellent communication skills, follow work ethics, adapt to different work cultures and project categories, work within teams, and perform really well. It is only after thoroughly checking the abilities and expertise of the learners that the employers recruit the candidates. This is exactly why the candidates need to step up their professional capabilities. And government-subsidised courses prove to be of huge help in this regard. These courses help the candidates boost their skill sets and professional competencies.

Subsidised Courses

Subsidised courses can cover a wide gamut of topics such as:

  • Business Management
  • Marketing
  • Computer Technology
  • Accounting
  • Culinary Arts
  • Logistics
  • and more

These courses enable the candidates to develop their collaborative attitude, conflict resolution skills, leadership abilities, analytical power, and a lot more. After completing these courses, students tend to become a lot more determined, confident and resilient.

Participants learn to make informed decisions, interact wisely with their co-workers, customers and partners, and even coordinate to reach common goals. The students get a chance to sharpen their core skills, brush up their expertise, deepen their knowledge, and develop a global mind-set.

The curriculum of these courses also include workshops and group-based tasks, which automatically give the candidates a fresh perspective towards their goals and improves their productivity levels. Singapore has many training academies which nurture talents through skills enhancement programmes, such as diploma courses, conversion courses and other online short courses. If you are keen to grow professionally and expand your knowledge, enrol yourself in one of these institutes and boost your professional graph.

Acquire Top-notch Industry Skills with Subsidised Courses

Diploma Conversion Courses Are Perfectly Suitable for Career Switchers

Acquiring new skills is one of the best ways to widen your career possibilities and develop your industry-relevance. In fact, when you possess technical expertise and competency, which are hard to come by, you become a lot more valuable, effective and employable. To make a career switch and maximise your knowledge in a different industry segment, you can apply for Diploma Conversion programmes.

These are training courses which are meant to maximise the productivity of the learners and make them successful in their career paths. These conversion programmes are suitable for those who want to broaden their job opportunities in a new career path. For example, if a candidate is willing to make a career switch from a Software Developer to a Supply Chain Manager, he can register for a diploma conversion programme on Supply Chain Management. Also, if a Journalist wants to advance his career in the field of Digital Media Design, he can apply for a conversion programme in Digital Media.

Conversion Courses

Conversion courses are knowledge-based comprehensive programmes which allow the participants to enhance their industry perspectives and step up their standard of competency. The training programmes give the participants a more detailed idea of the industry that they want to work in. These courses are specially developed to help the candidates undertake jobs in a different business sector.

Corporate managers and team leaders often look for better opportunities in a new line of career to expand their expertise in a different field. Switching one’s career does not always mean that he has to start right from the bottom. Often, certification courses can help candidates acquire adequate training so that the candidates get to skip entry-level job roles.

Most of the working executives who apply for Diploma Conversion programmes, basically want to switch their careers for two reasons:

  • New Career in a Different Discipline, Using Similar Skills: There are many students who prefer to make a major change in focus, without changing their career fields. For example, there are many Content Writers who prefer to get into the field of Social Media Marketing. They take up Diploma Conversion courses in Social Media Marketing to improve their career prospects.
  • Different Job, Using New Skills: Mid-career managers often look for knowledge enhancement in a new career path using new skills. They might want to lead big teams or manage complex projects, in a different discipline, which requires different professional expertise and knowledge. In such situations, candidates often enrol for conversion courses in their preferred subject to excel at work.

So, go ahead and pursue conversion courses in your favourite subject. Expand your career possibilities like never before.

Diploma Conversion Courses Are Perfectly Suitable for Career Switchers

Accelerate Your Career Transition With A Professional Conversion Programme

Do you want to upgrade yourself with newer skills and expertise? Are you willing to move into new industries to pursue your desired line of work? Then apply for a professional conversion programme and enhance your knowledge.

These courses can help you enhance your job prospects and prepare you for a career in a different discipline. These courses can offer you good job prospects. Whether you are planning for new career  choices or simply want to pursue your career passion, a conversion course serves as the perfect launch pad for your skills progression.

advanced diploma

To help you understand this, given below are few examples:

  • Professional Conversion Programme For Assistant Chef

Those interested to grow in their career as an Assistant Chef, can upgrade their industry skills with a professional conversion programme in this discipline. Such a course includes both classroom training as well as on-job training. It offers an organised education structure where the industry experts (Head Chefs of renowned hotels and restaurants), provide top-class training to the students to nurture their potentials. Regular tests and assessments prepare the candidates even more. Each student dives deep into their subject and expands their skill sets to succeed as a Restaurant Manager or a Head Chef in future.

  • Professional Conversion Programme For Air Freight

Designed for Managers and Executives, a professional conversion programme in Air Freight includes training sessions on aviation management, air cargo, air charter options, and more. Students get a detailed information about the industry best-practices, air freight shipment management techniques, and effective freight solutions. Students become a lot more aware of how the industry works and the winning solutions which yield positive returns. Participants come to know about the newest trends and business strategies. Students learn about various job-specific skills which can help them succeed. In addition, top market experts and industry luminaries, offering these courses, share their extensive knowledge and experience with the students so further help them get a clear perspective about the Air Freight industry and the market standards.

So, if you feel that you need a career transition for your own growth and development, then apply for a conversion programme in your preferred discipline and strengthen your future. Singapore has many training academies and leading institutes which provide professional courses for the managers, technicians, executives and other advanced learners. These institutes also provide advanced diploma programmes and e-learning courses. Depending on your career preferences and interests, you can enrol for your favourite course and secure your future. It’s time to expand your career scopes.

Accelerate Your Career Transition With A Professional Conversion Programme