Why On-The-Job Training (OJT) is Valuable to a New Employee

To improve your knowledge and abilities in the workplace, On-The-Job Training (OJT) is one of the most effective strategies for a fresh graduate. By providing staff with appropriate and regular training, organisations can boost productivity and increase performances.

With that being said, an OJT is an arrangement in which fresh graduates can learn more about their responsibilities and how they can better do their job. By enrolling into a SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme (WSP), you will be able to work in a participating company as a full-time employee while receiving a structured OJT aligned to your WSP framework.


Here are some reasons why an OJT with a WSP is valuable to a new employee.

Provides Real-World Experience

The best way to learn is by doing. This hands-on approach is what an OJT offers. It gives new employees a chance to apply the theories they’ve learned during classrooms in a real work setting.

Help Fresh Graduates Adjust to Their Roles

First days on the job can be overwhelming as there’s a lot of things to learn and remember. An OJT can help ease this transition by providing guidance and support from a more experienced individual.

Better Skill Development

Besides familiarising them with their responsibilities, an OJT can also help new employees develop their skills. This is especially helpful for those who want to pursue a career in a particular field.

Help New Employees Build Their Network

An OJT provides the opportunity to meet new people and build relationships. This can be helpful in the long run as these connections can provide valuable networking opportunities.

Offer Flexibility

OJTs offer new employees the chance to learn at their own pace. They can take on as much or as little responsibility as they are comfortable with. This allows them to ease into their new role without feeling overwhelmed.

Final Word

On the job training is a great way for new employees to learn about their responsibilities, develop their skills, and build their network. We are sure the above reasons will help you make up your mind, pursue a Diploma in various disciplines from a training provider and get the most out of an OJT.

Why On-The-Job Training (OJT) is Valuable to a New Employee

Grow Your Project Management Skills By Enrolling In A Certification Programme

The Project Management Professional (PMP) is the world’s leading project management certification by the Project Management Institute (PMI) that teaches how to be efficient and valuable to the company. According to the Salary Survey, a certified PMP gets 29% more salary as compared to their non-certified peers.

Certification programme

If you are willing to learn about PMP certification exams, you may consider a certification programme on project management that trains a participant in concepts, techniques and processes. If you are a project leader or a project manager and want to get a certification from the globally acclaimed PMI, you may consider taking up the Project Management Professional Training programme offered by Singapore Polytechnic.

How The Course Helps In Boosting Your Project Management Skills

Project Management Professional training enables you to learn the concepts, techniques and processes that help you to successfully lead a project. This online business management course also lets you learn about different organisational outcomes in terms of project selection, initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and closing. You will also learn how to motivate your team as a project manager.

The course is suitable for those who have prior experience in managing or leading projects. The trainers of the course are PMP certified. They are accomplished, proactive, performance-driven and professional managers with years of progressive expertise in project delivery, leadership and problem-solving.

What Do You Learn From The Course?

The course covers multiple lessons including building a high-performance team with empowered and well-trained team members. You will learn how to start a project and build a shared understanding of the project. There will be training on appropriate project methodology and practices.

During the course, you also learn how to assess and manage risk and how to manage communications. The course enables you to execute projects to deliver business value. You will learn how to support team performance by applying emotional intelligence.

You may enrol in this certification programme on project management if you want to evaluate and deliver project benefits and value keeping the business in mind. Upon successful completion of the course, you will get a 35 PDUs Certificate that enables you to take up PMP Certification by PMI.

Grow Your Project Management Skills By Enrolling In A Certification Programme

Cope With The Pandemic By Enroling For A Certification Programme

The recent pandemic has put us in a situation where the job market is unpredictable for those with minimum skillsets. If you don’t want to fall into that category then you must go for upskilling. In Singapore, this is easily accessible as the nation gives shelter to several Continuing Education Training (CET) providers who deliver Certification Programmes.

The programmes constitute several industry-relevant courses that can provide job opportunities amidst the pandemic. It has been proven that mid-career professionals who were complaining about their career stagnancy before are getting recognition at their workplaces because of better work performance.

How training is given?

Industry-relevant courses are mostly for adult learners who want to fast-pace their carer growth. During the pandemic, most of the businesses are facing a loss due to a lack of upskilled professionals. This opens up more vacant positions in various sectors which you can be a part of. Your zeal to learn the modern ways of handling business can give you a better salary package. Your employer tends to rely on you and your ways of approaching things.

People who neglect the value-added courses are now suffering due to a lack of skills. If you don’t want to fall into the same group of individuals, then you must upskill.

Singapore promotes lifelong learning actively for the nation’s workforce. The Government is constantly encouraging upskilling and provides financial assistance through the SkillsFuture Credit system.

Companies are often seen participating in knowledge enhancement programmes for recruiting better candidates. If you show the zeal to learn and the willingness to grow, you can surely become a permanent employee in one of the participating companies.

It is normal to lose track of the industry updates when you have been working in the same profile for long. Falling out of track can be adverse when a critical situation like the pandemic arises. Your employer will put you on bench or tell you to leave. To avoid such a situation, it is wise to enrol for a Certification Programme in Singapore.

Make sure that you head for the best CET provider in Singapore if you want to get training under the best in class infrastructure.

Cope With The Pandemic By Enroling For A Certification Programme

Certification Programme: Driving Mid-Career Professionals towards Excellence

If you are experiencing career stagnancy, then perhaps it might be time for you to give Certification Programmes a thought. You will gain industry exposure from the experts through the course and that helps you gain better career opportunities and increase your market demand.

Job obstacles are getting more complicated, and it is difficult to get past them without expert guidance. The skills that you learn are more relevant to industry standard, and can easily offer you a better salary package. Having a degree isn’t enough to make you survive the stiff competition in the job market during this difficult time as employers are always looking for ‘more’.

The course training stays domain-centric and that implies no unnecessary subjects covered. Learning is not restricted to lectures and to make things more interesting and involving, mentors prefer practical sessions. These sessions give students access to modern tools, which later on can be used to simplify their work.

certification programme

If you are thinking about the subjects which are included then the list is endless.

Data Science: Every industry is dealing with giant data. They need upskilled people who can analyse and handle these numbers easily. These data are much private and needs modern technologies to get them into one place. If you want to be a part of the Big Data and Machine Learning industry then you must understand Data Science from the core. If you are a fast learner and want to set a mark in the world of technology, then an Advanced Diploma in Data Science can be great.

Digital Marketing: Online Marketing courses are now a trend. These courses are getting popular among professionals. If you are innovative and love learning new tools to reach out to more people then digital marketing is the best way.

It is difficult to manage time as a professional, but that’s not the case of Certification Programmes in Singapore. The training time is flexible so that even after working hours you can gear up for your future challenges.

All Continuing Education Training (CET) providers offer online access to students so that they can avail of training even during an adverse situation. The recent pandemic is an example where campus visit is strictly prohibited.

Students are getting trained with the help of presentations, webinars and also online assessments.

There are many other subjects added to the list if you are seeking professional training. They include Blockchain, Public Library Management and others.

Certification Programme: Driving Mid-Career Professionals towards Excellence

How Advanced Diploma Courses Can Prove To Be a Benefit for Your Career

Are you willing to upskill? If you are, you have to reach out to Singapore Polytechnic Professional & Adult Continuing Education (PACE) Academy who have multiple courses to offer for your upskilling journey.   
A more popular choice amongst working professionals who are striving hard to go up the corporate ladder would be an Advanced Diploma, as it can give you the industry insights needed for you to apply for better jobs in the market.

As a working professional, you can attend the lectures after returning home from work. If you miss a class, you can access the course materials from online portals, that are associated with every training institute. The working methods and technologies are ever-changing and professionals have to keep up with them. If you want to see the difference in your career, then you must adopt the changes in the market.

advanced diploma

During recent times, when the world has come to a halt and physical classes are almost impossible, CET providers have continued imparting education to the professionals. Many are at risks of losing their jobs due to a lack of skills and during layoffs, they are the ones who suffer primarily.

Certification programmes have continued with the help of various digital tools. The courses have no age restriction and are popular among mid-career professionals. The reason behind this is the skills gap as professionals after a certain point in their career become stagnant and are unable to perform. A course like an Advanced Diploma can help them get back the lost confidence in the workplace and excel.

Apart from the Advanced Diploma, there are certain other courses in Singapore that are supported by the government. The Singapore government is encouraging the nation’s workforce towards upskilling with SkillsFuture credit. A credit system that stays in the SkillsFuture account of an individual till he/she decides to use it for their upskilling. The credits cannot be used for purchasing anything else other than upskilling courses.

Now you know how easy it is to accelerate your skills according to your field of work.

If you feel undervalued or are facing career stagnancy at work, then you should consider an Advanced Diploma from Singapore Polytechnic Professional & Adult Continuing Education (PACE) Academy.

A good CET provider knows what the job market needs from the candidates and prepares the trainees accordingly. The students get a blended learning experience and at the end of the programme a certificate that are globally accepted.

How Advanced Diploma Courses Can Prove To Be a Benefit for Your Career

Career Enhancement Is Now Easier With Certification Programmes

Whether you want to improve your communication skills or your domain knowledge, a certification programme will be recommended for you. The training will improve your communication skills with your senior managers, help you understand issues better, and also identify your own weaknesses.

As a course participant, you will be able to apply the learned skills in your workplace and enhance your career graph.

On competition of the course, you will be able to increase your proficiency and performance in the competitive job market. You will be trained in the best possible way so that you can work in a different environment. You will be a quick thinker and be able to perform better with accuracy.

The course will give you a 360-degree transformation. You will be available to all the skills that can make you a true leader, improving your designation gradually. Professional courses are able to boost the morale of professionals. You will get a broader perspective of your area of work, which gives you the projection to work smartly and intelligently under any situation.

Certification programme

Certification courses can include multiple subjects like artificial intelligence, social media marketing, software development, maritime courses and more.

Let us take an intense look into the subjects

Artificial intelligence: All sectors are opting for AI solutions. These sectors are always looking for professionals who are equipped with AI-led tools and are able to make businesses run seamless. Mentors will provide you with training to handle chatbots, and also deal with complicated programmes. Participate in the fun-learning and advance lessons in the world of technology.

Social media marketing: As we know nowadays, majority of businesses are converting into digital apps. If you want to make it to the target audience faster then you must do it through social media. In case you are running social media marketing strategies, you must upskill with the help of modern tools. The continuing adult education programmes will help you to learn new strategies, and make you a master in your work.

Software development: Learn to write and execute perfect codes for your designed software. You will acquire the skills to make a perfect interface for any platform. Assessments at regular intervals will soon make you a better developer than others.

Maritime courses: Maritime industry is huge. You can easily fit in different verticals. Starting from an engineer to managing a warehouse perfectly, the maritime courses in Singapore teach you all. You need to nurture your skills with the help of industry experts to reach your goals faster.

If you are keen to upgrade your skills to the next level, then SP Professional & Adult Continuing Edcation (PACE) Academy is the perfect place to do so. Get in touch with the best Continuing Education Training (CET) provider and expect the best-in-class infrastructure like never before.

Career Enhancement Is Now Easier With Certification Programmes

What Are The Values Of Certification Programmes For Individuals?

If you want to know the best way to increase credibility, self-image, and constant professional development, the answer lies with certification programmes. Certification always helps employers to select the candidates for their work. The add-on to the resume makes them believe in individual skills, and select the person for a higher designation.

Certification programme

A professional certificate documents your experience, domain knowledge and critical solving qualities which are absent in professionals without continuing education.

What you can foresee as an individual

  • Enhance professional credibility
  • Accelerate your skillset to get more job opportunities
  • A certificate course acts as your proof of confidence towards complicated tasks
  • You can expect higher salary packages and ability to switch job easily
  • It encourages lifelong learning

Upon joining a certificate course, you are able to establish your own network as you will meet other similar professionals under the same course. The training from the best Continuing Education Training (CET) provider is not restricted to just lectures. You will participate in group discussions where you join other professionals. This group can prove to be a great resource when you are seeking for an answer related to the marketing domain. The group of professionals can provide you with the latest industry news and insights to advance in your career.

In Singapore, if you want the best-in-class infrastructure along with a blended learning experience then you must take admission in a reputed training institute.

The institutions are constantly working on improving the Singapore workforce by introducing new programmes. These programmes have industry-relevant courses which can provide new job vacancies to the trainees. Here are some programmes that are able to attract more professionals:


This is a golden opportunity for all Singaporeans to unlock their fullest potential during various stages in their career. You can expect a 360-degree learning experience when you enrol for this programme. For trainees to focus fully on the course, the government has allotted credit amount for all trainees to continue their lifelong learning. This amount is recurring and cannot be encashed to purchase other things.

SGUnited Skills Programme

During COVID-19, many have lost their jobs or are looking for a job switch due to their establishment shutting down. These group of people might not have the skills they require to fit in a certain industry. To improve the situation for these individuals, the Singapore government has introduced SGUS as a full-time certification programme. During a course, professionals will undergo rigorous training under the guidance of experienced mentors and finally indulge in an industry immersion programme.

There is no reason to stay stagnant midway of your career. Keep the ball rolling with the help of certification programmes. There are multiple benefits being added to the professional courses which offer you the competitive edge that one is looking for.

What Are The Values Of Certification Programmes For Individuals?

Benefits of Joining a Certification Programme

Thinking about how to grow as a working professional? Well, join a certification programme, complete it successfully to get certified, and see what impact it will have on your professional life.

Certification programmes are designed for working professionals like you who aspire to climb the corporate ladder. The certificate that you will receive at the end of the course will be recognised by respective industries. Here in this blog, you will learn about the ways these programmes can help you grow and flourish as a professional.

Certification programme

Improves career opportunities

When you successfully complete a certification programme,you will be awarded a certificate by the training centre where you had registered yourself. Now this certificate holds great value when it comes to helping you climb up the professional ladder.

First and foremost, when your current employer will come to know about it, he/she will consider you as an employee who deserves a promotion at work. That might even come along with a lucrative salary hike. If you are planning to switch your company, this certificate will attract recruiters from various companies.

The reason behind this is that once you get certified by joining these short courses, your employer and recruiters from outside will believe that you have evolved as a better resource. It will make them think that the knowledge you derived from these courses has made you more productive and efficient at your workplace and moving forward, you will truly justify your ROI.

Boosts professional credibility

An industry-recognised certification is not the only takeaway from these courses. When you join these programmes, you will learn more about the latest industry trends and practices. The mentors will help you to gain industry-related knowledge and brush up on your skillset.

When you complete the course, you will be a much improved and productive resource for your organisation. Your problem-solving and decision-making skills will be much better than what it used to be. Last but not the least, it will help you to set yourself a class apart from your co-workers.

Singapore nowadays has some of the most reputed adult continuing education centres you will ever hear of. These training institutes offer these certification programmes and you should join them to do your career a world of good. Check out the scope of their course modules and choose that institute that you think will help you the most.

Benefits of Joining a Certification Programme

Seek Digital Marketing under SkillsFuture Programme for More Job Opportunities

Digital Media is getting more and more users in recent times. If you keep an eye on Internet World Statistics, more than 60% of the world’s population is on the internet. Within a few years, the growth in the percentage of users has gone up rapidly.

Businesses have given up old ways of approaching the target audience, and going all digital. The result is quite surprising and positive within a short time.

Considering the industry requirements, just a simple degree is making professionals suffer after a certain time. A big gap stays visible in terms of demand and supply of expert people. 


Since the world of digital marketing is evolving fast, people must be keeping at pace with it. You need to master the skills from one of the best training institutes in Singapore. This is where a SkillsFuture Programme in Digital Marketing comes into play.

What are the benefits?

Digital marketing is the most sorted skill to acquire if you want to be a part of multiple sectors. Old ways of marketing are just too cliché.

From a marketing job, you can easily shift to the digital marketing team with a certification programme. Within the organisation, you tend to play a crucial role as you have versatile working experience.

Many marketing professionals are getting worried about losing their jobs during this pandemic. The reason behind this is the lack of digital knowledge, which is mandatory at this age of transformation. To avoid this depressing situation, one must apply for an adult education course in Singapore.

Singapore being the job hub, is always trying to upkeep the quality of the workforce. The place is trying to bring in more continuing education programmes to help career-minded people. Training institutes are joining hands with industries to train their students with industry-relevant skills.

You must be worried about the time management for the classes. It is not something you must be worried about in the case of SkillsFuture Programmes. All the course modules are prepared to keep in mind the working professionals. They can always access the study materials online from anywhere.

If you are worried about the course fees, then SkillsFuture Credit is there to unburden you. You can always use the credit to continue lifelong learning. The Government of Singapore is always trying to improve the economy of the nation by lending a helping hand to the careeristic people.

Seek Digital Marketing under SkillsFuture Programme for More Job Opportunities

Grow Your Business Skills with Online Business Management Courses

Sudden unemployment is a reason for depression for many amid this lockdown period. Most of the professionals are trying to upgrade their previously acquired skills to the next level. Some are shifting to a new domain called business management. They are easily making places in reputed organizations with the help of online business management courses.

advanced diploma

The crucial component of professionals’ lives is time. It plays a major role when one plans to have something additional other than his or her job. It is needed to gain relevant industry knowledge to sustain in the competition or make a new career altogether. Time restricts people and therefore reputed institutions in Singapore have thought about it. They have made things easy for professionals with online certification programmes. These courses can give people enough knowledge to succeed and proceed with their businesses. People who lack the time can easily learn through the online medium at your own convenience.

The demand for these adult courses is having different popularity for all. Most of the employers are looking for candidates with more than a tertiary degree. This is because they want their employees to grow and make their hired resource to take over when the time is critical. The courses are designed with the help of industry experts. The courses involve critical thinking, market insight knowledge, modern marketing tools’ knowledge and more.

You will soon transform for your work into a confident individual. You will be using the tricks and skills learnt during your professional output as well as personal life.

If you want a team to lead then you need leadership skills changed from your basic executive skills. Your upskilling will make your organization depend on you and give you the complicated tasks which an individual with a simple degree cannot execute.

There is a wide array of benefits associated with online management courses. Let us look below at a few of them.

  • You get the skills, which you require to build your own empire as an entrepreneur.
  • Learn without visiting the institution campus. This is very much crucial during this pandemic.
  • Save paper and opt for the digital platform
  • Get to interact with industrialists and business heads with the help of virtual events.

Why waste time during the lockdown? Get over with your day’s work and learn from the best mentors from a popular continuing education college in Singapore. Your zeal to learn opens up new opportunities in the near future.

Grow Your Business Skills with Online Business Management Courses