Top Industries Benefiting from SkillsFuture’s Work-Study Programmes

In the rapidly evolving economic landscape of Singapore, the importance of continual learning and upskilling cannot be overstated. As part of our commitment to nurturing a well-equipped, future-ready workforce, we’ve embraced the SkillsFuture’s Work-Study Programmes (WSPs), a significant initiative in Singapore’s lifelong learning movement.

These programmes serve as a catalyst for growth, offering incredible advantages to individuals and transforming industries. Let’s see the top industries benefiting from SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme graduates.

Reengineering the Future: The Engineering Industry

Engineering has always been the backbone of our growth. With the evolving industry demands and technological advances, the need for highly competent engineers is paramount.

For example, a Logistics Solutions Manager may acquire Big Data Analytics, Carbon Footprint Management, and Process Improvement skills, essential for the Industry 4.0 era. Similarly, engineers and non-technical roles also benefit from acquiring digital and I4.0 skills

Here are some of the top 5 skills with higher demand under green economy,

Green Facilities Management
Carbon Markets & Decarbonisation Strategies Management
Environment & Social Governance (ESG)
Carbon Footprint Management
Smart Grid Implementation & Integration

Technological Triumph: The Information Technology Industry

The tech industry in Singapore is a rapidly expanding field. The WSPs cater perfectly to this fast-paced sector, providing a steady stream of professionals who are adept at the latest technologies.

As businesses enhance their digital infrastructure and products, demand is surging for skills in software development, cloud systems, and infrastructure. User-centric design skills like software design and user experience design have witnessed an over 80% demand growth.

With the push towards digitalisation, other skills such as radio frequency engineering (essential for 5G development), solution architecture, and data centre facilities management have seen demand growth of more than 100%. Furthermore, e-commerce and AI, data and analytics-related skills are highly transferable, required across various sectors and job roles.

In particular, product development and customer experience management, as well as big data analytics and AI application skills, are required by over 700-800 job roles, driven by the proliferation of e-commerce business models.

Here are some of the top 5 skills with higher demand under digital economy,

Radio Frequency Enginerring
Data Centre Facilities Management
Customer Experience Management
Software Design
Customer Behaviour Analysis

SP PACE WSP graduates have left a mark in their respective fields, bringing tangible change to their industries. Their journeys serve as an inspiration, echoing the positive impact of combining academic learning with real-world experience.

Here’s the story about Ms Firzanah Idrus who got the opportunity to enter the dynamic field of cybersecurity through the Singapore Polytechnic SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme.

Top Industries Benefiting from SkillsFuture’s Work-Study Programmes