Specialist Diploma Courses Accelerating Skills of Individuals

Are you an aspiring individual that is looking for growth? In order to do so, you have to upskill. By enrolling for a Specialist Diploma in Singapore and completing it successfully, you will be offered more job opportunites! Your choices won’t be limited within your present organisation but outside of it as well. It might be easy for students to receive job offers after their tertiary education, but the industry is fast-moving. If you want to catch the train, you must move at its pace. This is where a Continuing Education Course comes into play.

The training for the professional courses stays short and concise. The training stay focused on the industry requirements as the purpose of the course is to increase proficiency and break stagnancy. The courses is not only targeted at a particular section, as even managers can take the upskilling courses. The course training proves to be a ladder towards better designations for executives as employers tend to rely on your skills and offer better responsibilities.

specialist diploma

Conventional classroom lessons follow a rigid syllabus and stretch long. If you consider a Continuing Education course, you will find that the training stays shorter in duration.The outbreak of COVID-19 could not stop Continuing Education Training (CET) providers from delivering training to the professionals. Trainers are utilising online platforms and efficiently executing their duties. More programmes are getting added to help job hunters by the Singapore government and proving continuing education to be the need of the hour.

Why CET Providers?

If you are planning for a specialist diploma then you must also know some of the other benefits associated with a CET provider.

  • As a professional, you need to constantly upskill. In Singapore, the government has a SkillsFuture programme for professionals aged 25 years and above. You can easily pay your course fees from the SkillsFuture credit and keep learning.
  • Do you want to change your domain of operation completely? It is easier with Diploma Conversion. You can switch to a new domain and be a master as mentors train you from the basics.

There are a lot more reasons to enrol for a continuing education course. If you are struggling to meet the market standard then you must register for a Specialist Diploma.

Specialist Diploma Courses Accelerating Skills of Individuals

Certification Programme: Driving Mid-Career Professionals towards Excellence

If you are experiencing career stagnancy, then perhaps it might be time for you to give Certification Programmes a thought. You will gain industry exposure from the experts through the course and that helps you gain better career opportunities and increase your market demand.

Job obstacles are getting more complicated, and it is difficult to get past them without expert guidance. The skills that you learn are more relevant to industry standard, and can easily offer you a better salary package. Having a degree isn’t enough to make you survive the stiff competition in the job market during this difficult time as employers are always looking for ‘more’.

The course training stays domain-centric and that implies no unnecessary subjects covered. Learning is not restricted to lectures and to make things more interesting and involving, mentors prefer practical sessions. These sessions give students access to modern tools, which later on can be used to simplify their work.

certification programme

If you are thinking about the subjects which are included then the list is endless.

Data Science: Every industry is dealing with giant data. They need upskilled people who can analyse and handle these numbers easily. These data are much private and needs modern technologies to get them into one place. If you want to be a part of the Big Data and Machine Learning industry then you must understand Data Science from the core. If you are a fast learner and want to set a mark in the world of technology, then an Advanced Diploma in Data Science can be great.

Digital Marketing: Online Marketing courses are now a trend. These courses are getting popular among professionals. If you are innovative and love learning new tools to reach out to more people then digital marketing is the best way.

It is difficult to manage time as a professional, but that’s not the case of Certification Programmes in Singapore. The training time is flexible so that even after working hours you can gear up for your future challenges.

All Continuing Education Training (CET) providers offer online access to students so that they can avail of training even during an adverse situation. The recent pandemic is an example where campus visit is strictly prohibited.

Students are getting trained with the help of presentations, webinars and also online assessments.

There are many other subjects added to the list if you are seeking professional training. They include Blockchain, Public Library Management and others.

Certification Programme: Driving Mid-Career Professionals towards Excellence

Fulfill Your Corporate Requirements with SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company

Jobseekers are taking the help of the SGUS Programme during the recent pandemic to enhance job opportunities by getting the right kind of training. All of the courses which are involved in the programme have huge industry demands. The programme duration lasts for six (6) to twelve (12) months. Though it is full-time training but boosts skillsets much faster than any other similar courses.

During the programme, both jobseekers and companies get equal opportunities to explore skillsets. Jobseekers get a strong grip on their domain. On the other hand, employers train the candidates by themselves and absorb them faster for their open work positions.

SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company

During SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company, candidates get rigorous training from mentors to stay up-to-date with the market trend. It is observed that professionals with the most modern domain knowledge often surpass newcomers in the industry in terms of opportunities.

The last two (2) to three (3) months of training is known as Practicum or an additional attachment. During this short duration, candidates get real-time work experience with participating companies.

This is a boom period for companies who are looking to fill up their vacant positions. They introduce candidates to their work culture, and absorb suitable trainees during this period or just after the courses get over.

Learning With SP PACE Academy

In Singapore, Singapore Polytechnic (SP) PACE Academy is a popular name in Continuing Education Courses. It has been successful in delivering reskilling and upskilling courses to professionals as well as fresh graduates. They have some interesting and promising courses added to their list, and continuously working on others.

Pandemic has made the institution introduce SGUS Programme Attachment & Job Placement. It is working on six (6) emerging sectors – InfoComm Media, Built Environment, Social Service, Manufacturing, Sea Transport and Cross-sectoral Emerging Skills.

Companies now do not need multiple accesses to candidate search, as they get them all in one place. SP PACE Academy gives upskilled candidates to the companies who join for the Practicum training, and ease their recruitment process.

Candidates must work for atleast 44 hours a week. If a company decides to extend the working hours then it must compensate with additional pay or leaves.

During SGUnited Skills Programme, you as a participating company can assess prospective employees through various real-time projects, and short assessments.

If you have been worried about adding the best employees to your organisations for a long then your worries come to an end now. Register here and you get access to a talent pool, which helps in your organisation growth.

Fulfill Your Corporate Requirements with SGUnited Skills Programme for Hosting Company