Benefits of Joining Continuing Education Courses

Working professionals in Singapore are nowadays joining continuing education courses in large numbers. This blog is about what is driving them to do so. Come, let’s learn more about the benefits of these courses.

Continuing Education Courses

New Job Opportunities

Joining continuing education courses and successfully completing it certifies the enrolled candidate. The certification provides an added advantage when the candidate looks for a job change in a competitive job market. The newly added feather in the candidate’s resume attracts recruiters. They would be ready to offer the candidate a new job if they find the certification of the candidate is relevant to their industry.

Opportunity to climb the company ladder

When a working professional gets certified after successfully completing a continuing education course, he/she becomes more valuable for the company he/she is working for. The management recognises the certification and believes that the programme has certainly helped the candidate to brush up his/her industry-relevant skillset and knowledge.

They believe that moving forward the employee will be more efficient and add more value to the organisation. This provides the opportunity for the employee to get a promotion and/or get a salary hike.

Scope to change career path

A working professional is free to make a career change at any point in his/her career. The reason might range from a lack of opportunity to grow or a feeling of corporate stagnancy. For example, he/she can switch from the pharmaceutical industry to the maritime industry. Now for this, the professional needs to enrol in the maritime courses offered by adult continuing education institutes of Singapore.

This will give him/her a breakthrough into the new industry he/she would be joining. The course will help him/her to gain knowledge about the latest industry trends and practices that will help him/her to grow as a professional and add value to the company he/she will work for.

Gateway to industry-relevant knowledge

Now no matter whether a working professional is sticking to his/her organisation/industry or making a company/industry switch, he/she will always need to upgrade his/her skill set. These courses give professionals the opportunity to gain knowledge about updated industry-relevant practices and trends. It improves their efficiency to work smartly and be more productive for the organisation they are working for.

If you are a working professional based in Singapore, you should also give a shot to take your career to the next level. Get enrolled in one of these courses and enjoy all the benefits mentioned above.

Benefits of Joining Continuing Education Courses

Why Do A SGUnited Skills Programme in Data Science?

You often hear people asking, “Why do I need to get a professional certification in Data Science?” This is quite a valid question for people from other domains because Data Science is restricted to a few subjects. The cost comes to your mind first, but that is not the case if you enrol for an SGUnited Skills Programme from SP PACE Academy.

sgunited skills programme

You can already be working in the domain where you deal with programming, data visualisation, machine learning, and others. The AI world is fast-changing, and you need to keep at pace with the same. If you want to taste modern tools, you need to brush up on your skills. There is no time for a professional to again start with a new degree course. You must acquire industry-relevant knowledge within a short span. In Singapore, SGUnited jobs & skills initiative upskill mid-careerists within a short span.

Employers are always searching for tech geeks to help in their business. They get tons of resumes, but a certification makes the difference. Professionals often ignore continuing education after their tertiary education.

It is foolish if you want to sustain the tough competition. Newcomers in the industry will tend to push you backward. Lack of domain knowledge and unable to use modern tools powered by AI will make you struggle. In order to overcome obstacles, it is suggested to have industry-relevant training from SP PACE Academy.

Data science is a fast-growing field. More and more people who want to do something different in research and work closely with technologies are opting for this domain. Skilled data scientists are very few because most professionals lose interest in learning after a certain age.

Professionals need to get certified through adult education programmes like the SGUS in Singapore. Gaining experience from work and upskilling to stay industry fit is completely a different ball game. You learn certain things from mentors like exploratory analysis skills, data mining, machine learning algorithms, etc.

It is always good to get the experience of advanced learning. SGUS assures industry immersion where you get to know the different ways how corporate are changing their ways of approaching issues. The best part of the SGUS programme is the additional $1200 training incentive. This is the golden opportunity to upskill in the field of Data Science with the help of experienced mentors.

Why Do A SGUnited Skills Programme in Data Science?

What is the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme?

SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme is a national movement of Singapore that allows fresh graduates to get game-changing career opportunities. The programme was first launched back in 2015 and it made Singapore citizens aged 25 and above to be eligible for enrolment. Perhaps the best part of the SkillsFuture initiative is that enrolled candidates were and are entitled to get an opening credit of S$500 to pursue the programme.

SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme


Full-time graduates of Singapore who are from one of the 5 polytechnics in the country are eligible to apply for the SkillsFuture work-study programme.

Moving forward, let’s take a deep-dive into the benefits of joining a SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme.

Helps in making a career choice

These programmes help enrolled college freshers to make the perfect career choice. The mentors assess the strength, weaknesses, and preferences of the candidates and suggest them a career path that would suit them the best. On top of that, the workshop centers/venues provide all the required study materials to candidates that they will need to successfully complete the programme.

Helps with personal and career development

Fresh college pass-outs get the opportunity to understand their personal preferences and interests, life goals, strengths, and weaknesses. When it comes to career development, candidates get the opportunity to improve their industry-related professional skillset. This will ultimately help them to search for a relevant job in the competitive job market and secure their spot. The in-house mentorship offered by these programmes does a world of good to the candidates.


Fresh graduates who join these industry-relevant courses and successfully completes it are most likely able to stay in the job at the participating companies. These companies are flexible towards the new recruits. They know that the newly appointed college graduates are studying parallel with their job. The management does their best to ensure that the working hours do not coincide with their class timings.

Value-added certification

On the successful completion of the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme, candidates are awarded a certificate that is recognised by the relevant industries. The certification adds weight to their resume and helps them to find a suitable job in the competitive market. The certification will still be useful even when they switch jobs in the future.

If you are a college graduate who is looking for a solid base for a bright future, do join in one of these courses. Singapore now has reputed adult continuing education institutes who offer SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme. Do check out their website to find out more about the course module before you apply.

What is the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme?

How Can A Work-Study Programme In Cyber Security Benefit Your Career?

Professional certification has several benefits, particularly in the cybersecurity space. This area demand varied skills than just a degree or work experience. You need to be well prepared about using the latest technologies and minimise the threats and challenges.

In Singapore, holding a professional certificate shows your depth in cybersecurity knowledge and expertise. During a Work-Study Programme, you are part of industry immersion where you get hands-on experience. This further strengthens your CV and makes employers believe in your skillset.

SkillsFuture Credit

Certifications have an advantage for the holder – increasing the employability along with status. Your experience gets validated, and an organisation looking for a top-notch cybersecurity professional can hire you for a long time. The certifications from the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centres are not country-specific. You get to grab global job opportunities.

Your certificate boosts your confidence, and you can perform meeting the code of ethics. You perform better than most with just a degree. Soon your work gets noticed, giving you a better designation.

Can a certification fill in the skills shortage?

It can when it comes to preparing students. It is essential for all entrants into the cybersecurity field to understand the basics. Work-Study Programme from a training institute keeps in mind the industry requirements and prepares the course curriculum accordingly.

The course gets completed within a year, which includes campus-based lessons and also on-the-job training. During the training, many trainees get absorbed by reputed companies fulfilling their criteria. According to a report, around 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs will be available in 2021. It is always better to prepare yourself beforehand. The training with the mentors and industry experts can give you the knowledge you really require to outperform others in the same domain.

It is always better to add a certificate to your name rather than just a simple degree. The whole concept of technology is changing rapidly, and the outside digital threats are becoming stronger. Hackers are no more following the old school ways, but they are also updating themselves. If you have the right knowledge in cybersecurity, you can always work for law-making bodies.

The SkillsFuture Credit is backing some of the training institutions in Singapore. It implies that trainees no more need to worry about their funding and continue training lifelong with the credit facility. If you want to have a blended learning experience, you must search for the top CET providers and fix one. It has been seen that most people with just a degree often suffer after career stagnancy after a certain period.

How Can A Work-Study Programme In Cyber Security Benefit Your Career?

Train With SGUS Semiconductor Technology and Become a Successful Semiconductor Processor

With technology advancement, electrical works are also getting a bit complicated. Just a degree is not good enough to sustain the tough competition. You can easily be successful in the high-tech manufacturing industry if you possess the skills that the market is looking for. Enrol for an SGUS Semiconductor Technology course today, and boost your confidence level.


What would be the nature of work?

The task of a semiconductor processor involves converting substances like silicon into microchips. The next task is to oversee the manufacturing of the microchips. Cylinders of silicon, also known as wafers, are manufactured and rightly sliced to make semiconductors. The work needs clean rooms; hence the semiconductor processors work in clean rooms wearing the work garments to prevent injuries. These are some of the basic work rules you learn during the course from SP PACE Academy. They have collaboration with big companies who are always trying to help students with industry tips.

After going through the exhaustive training for one-year under the SGUnited Skills (SGUS) Programme, the professionals will be able to execute their tasks well. They will be responsible for adjustments, repairs, and troubleshoot any production problems. Their work might include testing of chips so that they do not cause problems later on.

Semiconductor processors work with limited work movement to keep their workplace clean and free from dust. Dust can be a problem for the microchips during production. Such a sensitive job needs skilled people who have the best industry-relevant knowledge.

The engineering sector is moving steadily even during this economic slowdown. They are in the hiring mode, and if you can easily be a part of it with the best-in-class training. An SGUS course can prepare you for industry challenges. Within a few years, you can move up to a senior technician level and perform as a team leader. Holding a basic degree can give a give you a salary which might not be satisfying, but a professional certificate programme gives you a higher wage than others in the same profession.

Most engineering sectors lack manpower who can take the business ahead. During the course of learning, many students are absorbed by some of the finest companies who see talents in the students. It is not the time to think but enrol for the course.

Train With SGUS Semiconductor Technology and Become a Successful Semiconductor Processor