Don’t Be a Part of the Job Loss. Try SGUnited Skills Engineering With Business Course

In the past few months, there have been many layoffs in various sectors. The reason is economic downfall due to sudden pandemic. The lockdown has resulted in job loss of many but giving chances to a certain segment of people with added skills relevant to the industry. Who can help the job seekers during the pandemic? The answer is SGUnited Skills programme courses.

The innovative programme from the Singapore government is not restricting itself to certain job profiles. It has some new and innovative training modules for eager job seekers. One of the courses is SGUS Engineering with Business. This might be surprising for many of you, but it is possible to become an Engineer Business Analyst with the help of the industry-centric training.

sgunited skills programme courses

Course Overview and Scope

Even though most sectors are badly suffering due to the crisis situation, engineering is a sector that still calls for talented individuals. It has opportunities for people under the SGUnited jobs & skills package. Why such a hype for the people under this package? The answer is improved skills, which are absent in the existing workforce.

The course for Engineering with Business can transform your old engineering skills into industry needs. You can soon get the business knowledge required to analyze the shortfalls in an organization and introduce new technologies to meet the gaps. Risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and financial analysis are some of the skills you gather during your journey as a student.

Other Benefits Involved

 Doing a SGUnited Skills programme course not just instills domain knowledge, but can offer some additional benefits. SP PACE Academy is offering this course to the students and is ready to provide the below-mentioned advantages.

  • Inform students about the job opportunities presents. After being over with the training, candidates can soon get their desired jobs.
  • Subsided course fees making learning without the financial burden.
  • Allowance of $1200 per month for the students. The students can further use SkillsFuture Credit to offset the course fees.
  • Certificates after getting over with the training. These certificates are not just limited to Singapore but globally accepted.

 During your course, you interact with industry experts. These professionals can give you the recent news of the engineering sector and how to make your place among others in the same queue of job seeking. Without explaining more, take a note that the registration is going on, and you can be part of the pilot batch from September itself.

Don’t Be a Part of the Job Loss. Try SGUnited Skills Engineering With Business Course

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