Apply for Conversion Courses to Experience a Smooth Career Transition

Select a conversion course, depending on your professional needs, and shoot up your career graph. Conversion courses, selected wisely, can easily help you unleash your true potentials.

These skills training programmes are mainly developed for professional executives who want to make a career switch. Those who apply for these courses can be from any discipline, such as, Science, Commerce and Humanities. Therefore, students automatically get the opportunity to change their career path, through conversion programmes.

Continuing Education Courses

These skills development programmes cover subjects such as Business Administration, IT, Teaching, Law, Digital Marketing, Shipping, and more. According to your career needs, you can pursue your favourite course and deepen your skill sets.

Given below are few examples in details, to help you understand better:

  • Convert To Teaching

There are several engineers, who want to take up teaching as their career. To successfully make a career transition, and widen your career opportunities in the field of education, you can pursue a conversion course on Teaching. These courses enable the students to improve their skills as a teacher or an instructor. Participants, who register for these courses, get the opportunity to take part in practice-based assignments and project work, which nurtures their expertise in the field even more.

  • Convert To Shipping

Nowadays, many software developers want to get into the maritime sector. Those willing to explore the shipping industry and discover their potentials in this field can register for a conversion programme on Shipping. Such a programme can give the students a broader knowledge on freight management, maritime crewing, logistics, shipping equipment and installation, maritime chartering, cargo surveying, port inspections and marine insurance, to name a few. All such information will help you dig into the various aspects of the maritime industry and how each segment functions. The courses will help you improve your technical prowess and performance level.

  • Convert To Digital Media Marketing

To succeed in this digital age, one needs to be extremely proficient with the newest tools and technologies available online. Those interested to pursue a conversion course on Digital Media and Marketing get to learn about the leading-edge techniques and software suites, which help companies engage customers, drive leads and improve ROI.

If you are interested to take admission for conversion courses or continuing education courses, select a reputed educational centre at Singapore which provides skills development courses. Seek training from a well-known academy and widen your job scopes.

Apply for Conversion Courses to Experience a Smooth Career Transition

Expand Your Skill Sets with Built Environment Courses

Built environment is basically the human-made environment, such as bridges, roads, tunnels, parks, pavements, and the like. As opposed to a part of natural environment, built environment is everything man-made. The maintenance of built environment is extremely important, especially in the current scenario, when pollution levels are really high. To equip the working individuals with the latest tools and equipment used in the sector, built environment courses are developed.

digitalisation courses

These courses are specially formulated to ensure a healthy, hygienic and pollution-free environment. The training programmes throw light on the effective strategies and result-driven solutions, which help in maintaining the increasingly popular built environment.

Candidates, pursuing built environment courses, will also learn about the practical skills and industry expertise required to handle the challenges in the sector. They become proficient with the winning strategies needed to prevent infection and pollution, caused due to construction work. Course-takers also acquire deeper insights on building surveillance, architectural technologies, construction management techniques, leading-edge engineering tools, and more. Some of the job roles which the course-applicants can qualify for are:

  • Building Surveyor: Those who apply for the role of a Building Surveyor can get involved in different stages of a construction project such as inception, planning and designing, and completion. As a Building Surveyor, the candidate will get deeply associated with the inspection and supervision of the project so that no crime or illegal activities take place during the work.
  • Architectural Technologist: The primary task of an Architectural Technologist is to be the link between conceptualisation and realisation of a real estate project. These technologists leverage the power of the newest tools and techniques to accomplish project goals efficiently.
  • Construction Manager: A Construction Manager usually manages resources who are involved in a specific construction project. The manager ensures timely delivery of work. He is also responsible for identifying the performance levels of each resource, so that he can allocate work accordingly, and get tasks done effectively and within estimated budget.
  • Quantity Surveyor: Individuals who are interested to advance their career as a Quantity Surveyor, get involved in managing and monitoring the financial aspects of a construction process. He may also work in industry segments such as insurance, law and procurement.

Therefore, if you are keen to move up your career ladder in the built environment sector, take up an industry-centric course which focuses on built environment and sharpen their skill sets. Singapore is home to many educational institutes which provide built environment, management and engineering courses, among others. Choose your favourite course and strengthen your professional graph.

Expand Your Skill Sets with Built Environment Courses

Improve Your Competency with Government-subsidised Courses

Skills-based training courses, which are subsidised by the government, enable the learners to pursue their studies easily. This is primarily because the government pays a major portion of the course fees and the rest is paid by the learners. This makes it much more convenient for the advanced learners to pursue these government-subsidised courses.

Since these courses are subsidised, the amount that the students need to pay is much less than the actual course fees. This motivates the learners and boosts career improvement. By making students eligible for subsidies, the government not only encourages the learners to maximise their skill sets, but also helps them strengthen their employability across sectors.

subsidised courses

This government initiative to contribute to the training cost of adult learners helps people step up their competency and performance standards. Self-paced and flexible courses such as these enable the participants to deepen their industry knowledge and enhance their productivity.

In fact, the contents of these courses focus primarily on job specific skill sets which equip the learners with the latest tools and industry techniques. The courses also throw light on the newest trends, industry news and business solutions which the learners must know in order to keep pace with the ever-evolving changes in the market.

There are many institutes in Singapore which offer career-centric courses which are government subsidised. If you are keen to grow in your career and improve your professional capabilities, then register for these subsidised programmes and upskill yourself. These training institutes offer interactive classes and interesting sessions to engage the learners and widen their knowledge. The lecturers offering these courses organise small group discussions and activities to further involve the learners in task-based projects. This not only improves the thinking power of the candidates, it also enhances the collaborative skills of the learners. The course-participants get to analyse, assess and identify various industry scenarios and come up with fruitful solutions for the same. They also learn to adapt to different environment and work cultures. While pursuing these courses, the students learn to develop a positive work approach and maintain work ethics.

In a nutshell, these training programmes allow the students to:

  • Get in-depth industry insights
  • Step up their communication skills
  • Become aware of the recent market trends and strategies

If you are keen to register for subsidised programmes, technical courses, management courses or other career-based programmes, choose a good institute at Singapore, and take admission for your preferred course. Stay competitive and stay a notch above your peers.

Improve Your Competency with Government-subsidised Courses

Explore Your Full Potentials through Corporate Training Courses

When it comes to developing competencies and driving performance level, a formal training is extremely helpful. Corporate training courses can help the participants maximise their industry-based skill sets and technical knowledge.

Career-oriented programmes help the participants boost their performance and professional graph. These programmes are crafted to meet the learning needs of the students and enhance their domain expertise. Each course content is developed keeping in mind the newest corporate culture and industry requirements.

advanced diploma

Several organisations offer these programmes to train its employees on specific skills and expertise. Such programmes, developed ‘in-house’ for a corporate house, mainly cover coursework which helps the workforce get detailed training on certain aspects of job processes and responsibilities. Such courses help the employees sharpen their leadership management, people management and other management capabilities. The courses also enable the participants to improve their business focus and decision-making power. In fact, the programmes fully nurture the potentials of the learners and help them brush up their effectiveness.

Corporate training cover industry methodologies and smart business approaches to help the students achieve their career goals. Some of the aspects on which corporate training programmes focus are:

• Conflict Resolution: An effective industry leader must know how to harmonise different personalities within a team and maintain solidarity. Corporate training programmes can help the participants sharpen their leadership and conflict-resolution skills. The participants learn to resolve complex work issues with winning solutions. They get to sharpen their project-handling and analytical powers. They even become expert in maintaining business ethics, implementing a positive work approach and treating each co-worker without bias.

• Communication Skills: Corporate training also enables the students to develop their interactive and communication power. Each participant learns to clearly express their feelings, in a clear and concise manner, so that business tasks get accomplished. The formal training course offers training on both verbal and written communication strategies. This allows the students to write effective emails, letters and memos, within an organisational set-up.

• Self-motivation: Corporate training programmes largely focus on improving the motivational level of the participants. The course curriculum include classes and practice-based assignments which keep the learners stay focused, self-motivated and optimistic. Every work environment comes with obstacles and hurdles. Therefore, every employee must always find effective ways to get their tasks done in spite of adversities and professional hassles. Corporate training programmes allow the participants to become determined and resolute.

Singapore houses many training academies which offer corporate training, advanced diploma programmes and other online short courses. If you are keen to maximise your talent and update yourself with the latest technologies, pursue any of these professional training programmes and give your career a boost.

Explore Your Full Potentials through Corporate Training Courses