Step Up Your Job Prospects with Government-subsidised Courses

In order to help young learners expand their industry-centric knowledge, the Government of Singapore has introduced professional training courses, at a reduced cost. This has led more and more working executives to pursue these government-subsidised courses.

Professional skills-centric courses, funded by the government, help the learners expand their skill sets, without having to incur huge costs. The subsidised courses, help the candidates take up career-based training programmes, without worrying about the course fees. The reduced training costs make it a lot more convenient for the candidates to go ahead with their career enhancement process.

cyber security courses

Funding and incentives, offered by the government to help adult learners upskill themselves, is a noble endeavour, taken up by the government. Such movements and endeavours, allow the job-seekers to advance their professional path efficiently. By making students eligible for subsidies, the government not only motivates the learners to enhance their potentials, but also helps them strengthen their chances of employability across sectors.

Self-paced and flexible courses such as these enable the participants to deepen their industry knowledge and improve their standards of productivity. In fact, the contents of these career-based courses focus mainly on practical skills, data and statistics, which pertain to the present industry standards. This makes the courses relevant, important and immensely valuable.

There are many training centres in Singapore which facilitate lifelong learning and boosts career development by offering government-subsidised courses. If you are keen to widen your job prospects and explore better career opportunities, then apply for a government-funded course, in your favourite training institute. During the course tenure, you will be a part of several interactive sessions and important workshops. Such sessions will help you deepen your core skills and boost your key potentials to the fullest. For instance, workshops, offered during these subsidised courses, help the candidates to get a hands-on training on the latest industry tools, equipment and technologies. This proves to be immensely beneficial for the applicants to get a detailed insight into how their target industry works and the result-driven solutions associated with it.

In fact, students even learn to develop valuable content for assignments and presentations. This allows the candidates to extract relevant information, research for important data, and format the content in a coherent and comprehensive manner.

Singapore-based training centres provide government-funded courses, cyber security courses, management courses, and other e-learning courses. Depending on your interests and career choices, you can apply for your favourite professional course, and elevate your career graph.

Step Up Your Job Prospects with Government-subsidised Courses

Boost Your Professional Growth with Courses, Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

Use your SkillsFuture Credit to pay for your career-centric courses. The Government of Singapore has come up with SkillsFuture Credit for all the Singaporeans who are over 25 years old and above. This decision of the Government of Singapore to provide SkillsFuture Credit to its citizens has encouraged lifelong learning and career progression.

In fact, the government has introduced this funding system to enable the adult learners take charge of their skills training and widen their job scope. Participants feel motivated to step up their career graph with the government-funded credit money. This credit money amounts to S$500. Students, who apply for SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses, can use this credit money to fund their course fees. This not only makes it easier for the applicants to pursue their preferred courses, it also helps in boosting their career path.

SkillsFuture Credit

Some of the subjects on which Singaporeans can pursue their SkillsFuture courses are:

  • Finance
  • Data Analytics
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Cyber Security
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Media
  • Urban Solutions

and more.

Let us discuss some of these subjects in details below:

  • Finance: Those who apply for a SkillsFuture course on Finance, get to learn about income statements, balance sheets, cash flows, vertical analysis, and more. Trainers give the students a detailed insight into budgeting, investment analysis and budgeting analysis tools.
  • Cyber Security: Lecturers provide a deeper perspective on online threats and cyber crimes, to the students who pursue Cyber Security courses. The trainers organise different kinds of debates and audio-visual sessions, to give the students a better idea about various types of malware, which can damage computer systems and networks. In fact, the trainers even provide key insights related to the cyber security sector and how updated tools can be used to protect data hacks and breaches.
  • Data Analytics: Learners who enrol for Data Analytics courses get to dig deep into data management techniques, importance of evaluating data, data mining, data manipulation in Excel, and data extraction methods. Students also get to take part in workshops, which gives them a clear view of how huge sets of data can be handles and sorted, for the benefit of organisations.
  • Digital Media: Students who pursue Digital Media courses get to delve deep into designing and creation of attractive infographics, developing meaningful and engaging digital content, and crafting stories for digital media platforms.

If you are keen to level up your career graph through skills-based training programmes, take up a SkillsFuture course, and broaden your scope of work. Deepen your knowledge through career-oriented courses.

Boost Your Professional Growth with Courses, Eligible for SkillsFuture Credit

Build Your Technical Expertise with Diploma in Engineering Courses

Engineering studies deal with the design, maintenance, optimisation and creation of machines, software and instruments. Those interested to sharpen their mathematical and scientific knowledge and learn more about the design and maintenance of engineering instruments can pursue Diploma in Engineering programmes.

These are programmes which are specially crafted for students who want to improve their problem-solving, logical reasoning and analytical skills. Participants get the chance to enhance their technical knowledge and industry-based expertise. They develop practical skills which help them maximise their potentials to the fullest.

Diploma in Engineering

The institutes which provide these courses use interesting training formats, which engage the learners. Such formats include multi-media training solutions which attract the attention of the learners. For instance, short films, audio, video or presentations slides, used to train the engineering students, deepen the knowledge of the learners.

In addition, workshops, held at these training institutes, further enable the candidates to become expert at handling different machines and engineering equipment. In fact, the course-takers get the chance to operate different kinds of machines, devices and apparatuses, during these workshops. They get a hands-on training on different types of motors, engines, tools, pulleys and levers. Such workshops provide a solid understanding and a base to the candidates. This makes the candidates better prepared for challenging job roles and positions. Moreover, real-life examples and case studies, further give the candidates a detailed perspective of how the engineering sector works. It gives them industrial exposure and knowledge about the latest trends, under the able guidance of the lecturers.

Students learn about various kinds of technologies and electrical devices. This enhances the productivity and the competence required to perform at various work spaces. Those interested in software engineering, gets to deepen their knowledge on different types of software suites and online platforms. They learn about the disruptive technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Robotics, and more. This expands their industry perspectives and opens up newer areas of work opportunities for them.

There are many training centres at Singapore which provide diploma in engineering courses for the advanced professionals. There is a wide variety of courses, offered at these institutes, which include Automobile Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Multi-media, Network and Security, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Robotics, Cloud Computing, and more. Depending on your career preferences, you can select your course, and advance your engineering career. So, apply for your favourite engineering programme and hone your relevant skill sets.

Build Your Technical Expertise with Diploma in Engineering Courses

Acquire Top-notch Industry Skills with Subsidised Courses

Preparing you for workplace challenges, skills training and government-subsidised courses are comprehensive and market-relevant. These courses open up newer employment opportunities and scope of work for people.

Fully-subsidised training programmes, can motivate the learners to take up lifelong learning. The funding scheme or the financial support, offered by the government, helps the candidates take up responsibilities of their own skills. By bearing the cost of training, the government aims to equip the learners with updated skill sets and broader industry knowledge.

The Government of Singapore works towards preparing its workforce for the competitive job industry by providing them training courses at a subsidised cost. Owing to the massive technological developments across sectors, the need for highly expert workers has gone up. The competition for the highly prized positions has increased too. When employers hire, they expect candidates to be competent, proficient with technical knowledge and immensely effective. The employers also look for candidates who can deliver excellent communication skills, follow work ethics, adapt to different work cultures and project categories, work within teams, and perform really well. It is only after thoroughly checking the abilities and expertise of the learners that the employers recruit the candidates. This is exactly why the candidates need to step up their professional capabilities. And government-subsidised courses prove to be of huge help in this regard. These courses help the candidates boost their skill sets and professional competencies.

Subsidised Courses

Subsidised courses can cover a wide gamut of topics such as:

  • Business Management
  • Marketing
  • Computer Technology
  • Accounting
  • Culinary Arts
  • Logistics
  • and more

These courses enable the candidates to develop their collaborative attitude, conflict resolution skills, leadership abilities, analytical power, and a lot more. After completing these courses, students tend to become a lot more determined, confident and resilient.

Participants learn to make informed decisions, interact wisely with their co-workers, customers and partners, and even coordinate to reach common goals. The students get a chance to sharpen their core skills, brush up their expertise, deepen their knowledge, and develop a global mind-set.

The curriculum of these courses also include workshops and group-based tasks, which automatically give the candidates a fresh perspective towards their goals and improves their productivity levels. Singapore has many training academies which nurture talents through skills enhancement programmes, such as diploma courses, conversion courses and other online short courses. If you are keen to grow professionally and expand your knowledge, enrol yourself in one of these institutes and boost your professional graph.

Acquire Top-notch Industry Skills with Subsidised Courses